Sunday, January 28, 2007

On Yer Bike

These were taken today at Crystal Springs San Mateo County, California. I went on a 10 mile bike ride - and can honestly say I feel a lot chirpier!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Bollox to Blogging

I am not apologising for my lame ass attitude to blogging this year. My resolutions never even got to the starting line, and they have already made it to the player's lounge and are merrily supping on a wee vodka by now.
I am supposed to be balancing my check book- Not that I have one, but you know paying in my wage on a Friday, taking out $100 for the week's coffee and fag expenses and then deducting each ATM transaction, bill payment and documenting my lavish luxury purchases. Have I done it? Have I bollox. I have kept all receipts however and may do it this weekend. Along with my visa application which has been bought and printed out since, well, it has to be a year ago! I need to get the old dust buster on the reams of paper once I actually locate the damn thing.
My B1/B2 visa expires on April Fool's Day (how apt) and I am supposed to be applying for my Family to sponsor me to stay in this the United States. Why anyone in their right mind would want to live here is beyond me at the moment, but I suppose many people think the grass is greener. It stays more vivid and fresh certainly, but after time, the edges do start to singe and the muddy puddles of disappointment set in.
Rather a solemn blog, but I feel like moaning, so I am. I have many a good reason, some which will become obvious in time.
Life here is great, I mean I was skiing with my best pal Sarah and her hubby Jose Ramon at the beginning of the year. I had a ball with Sarah, especially as I had been really sick all Christmas, therefore no tales of drunken debauchery to report. Although I did get accused of leaving a bag of used coke in my Step Sister's bedroom! One of my Step Brother's mates asked me if I wanted to 'party' on Boxing Day. I was in shock- Oh how we all grow!
Yeah, skiing was grand. I had a week off and went up to Lake Tahoe, which is on the Nevada/California boarder. Absolutely beautiful scenery and the skiing was fantastic. I have not skied in a blizzard before and my 'tash had icicles on it by the end of the day!! Reminds me - Resolution #2- get a referral for a laser hair removal place. I should do this really considering when my Mother called in for a brew last week, she came with a tin of bleach cream in hand! Salt of the Earth ;-).
Hummmm, what else have I been up to?
Oh I went to Sunday Service at a Church of self Realization last week, partly because I lost a dear friend Val on Saturday (I will be writing a post on the lovely lady in the week) and also due to the fact I have been dating a complete and utter nutter, who has been practicing this religion, or cult for the past 20 years. Not one particular thing compelled me to want to join in with the chanting and meditating, but I really did want to jump on the stage and show the 'light bearers' how to clap in time to the music. The whole church is related to Hinduism, and it has actually got me reading again, something I have not had the inclination to do for months. Which did not stop me getting a $20 library fine, for two books I never even read!
So here I am. California. I miss you all. It is a wet Saturday and Garage Sales have not started up again, what shall I do today?