Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Handed Notice In

Hello, just handed my notice in at my Landscape maintenance job. A move I have been thinking about since I put the house up for sale.
I am hopefully signing the contract with the buyer at the end of this month. After 2 years of landscaping on my own, taking briefs, designing and building, my most recent job was nothing short of a street cleaner's position. Not that there is anything wrong with a street cleaner, they provide such a valid service to the community, something I will appreciate from now on. It is amazing how much litter people do chuck aimlessly out of their cars and pockets as they spare no thought for the high vis.(bright yellow waistcoats) clad council workers not to mention Landscape maintenance Foremen who have to use one of those grabber sticks my nan used to use to retreave a Kleenex from the coffee table, to get the offending items safely in to a bin liner.
I am off on my travels back to San Francisco. My mother's home is there and I am planning to take a 12 week trip back there for a gander at potential job prospects, investment and who knows what else? Well, actually I know. I am searching for a gay male friend. Someone who can help me on my small quests to find the US equivalent to Boots and a decent beer. After traveling to the gayest city in the world since I was 15 it is about time I got my self a gay friend. I feel every girl should have one. There will be some plus points and also undoubtedly negatives. Exactly what these are will remain a mystery until I have conquered my quest for a queer.
I am still planning to release a book and feel that life is for living and it is all merely research for the book we all have inside us somewhere. It has taken me a year to come up with a concept and a title. Now I have these it is party time until my research is complete and my womb starts to scream "the clock is ticking biatch". Only then may I settle down and push out a few sprogs.
I am trying to get a new picture on my profile as the one I have is a bit old now - Since I have been a none smoker for 22 days!! Update on this fact is I am now 7lbs heavier. Never mind, the toy boy sexercise sessions will soon put pay to that slight increase.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Get a Toy Boy

I thoroughly recommend acquiring a man a few years younger than ones self. Since I managed to pull one using the Byonce Knowles ass-wiggle in da club a few weeks ago I have made many life changing alterations to my mundane existence in London post bombings.

I HAVE FINALLY GIVEN UP SMOKING; having a fag after sex usually meant lighting up at the end - But when sex actually goes on longer than 6 minutes I think it is a bit inconsiderate to keep lighting up in between thrusts.

I AM COMFORTABLE NOT WEARING ANY MAKE UP; this is due to the complements I have received from my new beau regarding how youthful I looked when getting out of the shower. I guess what he meant was that without foundation (well tinted moisturiser - this is the noughties) the creases near the eye, mouth and forehead area aren't quite so obvious.

I HAVE BEEN TO THE GYM...TWICE IN 2 DAYS*!; this is probably because he is a 6 pack wearing Adonis type male of the PE teacher variety.

I CAN SWIM 40 LENGTHS IN A REAL POOL WITHOUT RESPITORY AID; perhaps a result of my first point.

I PURCHASED A NEW PLATINUM RAMPANT RABBIT; well, we couldn't let him see the old past its sell by date original version. Same principle of dashing out to TK Maxx and purchasing shed loads of new French designer knickers

Any negatives? Well duuuuuggggghhhh - he is 4 years and 8 months my junior, and that aint gonna change EVER!

*this has not happened since I graduated with a Sports Science degree in 1997!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Bridget Jones a Reality

I used to laugh out loud at the old bat Miss Jones, Bridget and the original one from Rising Damp. Now I am nearing 31 and I am beginning to realise that to snigger at a poor woman's inadequacies at getting along in life with or without a mate is not on. I would only be laughing at some of my girl friends. Drinking a bottle of red or two on a Monday night could only be stuff of the movies I pressumed, but it is so true these days, and it is not even winter.
It is such a bummer our clock ticks as quick as the egg timers sand when you are trying to put a load in the wash, rinse the dishes, cut the bread and sweep the laminate flooring all before one manages to even open the egg box. Sometimes I think it would be so easy to be a middle aged divorced man wit a gold digger pleasuring him on a weekly basis.
This is why we get a dog.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Life After Nearly Getting Wed

I have not been arsed to Blog since Easter, and after reading my old posts today I decided it was probably time to come clean about the reason I started Blogging in the first place. I am not usually so mysterious as I have many friends with whom I blab on to about my mental life.
I feel it is time to blog the real me. I have been on a mad journey since last October, when I finally broke away from my Ex-Fiance. I was due to be wed on Dec 28th 2004 and cancelled the big day last June.
So with over a year having passed by with such speed I can finally reflect on the ups and ups and downs I have experienced since I made the decision to change the course of my life.
I have stopped my 3 a day splif smoking habit. I realised that I could not obtain any illegal substances while on the South American trip and saw this as a perfect opportunity to shut the door on my student days and days of hiding behind a big cloud of smoke. So far so good. I can see clearly now. I realised that due to my stoner status I was ignoring and not quite grasping the reality which was my unsuitable relationship with my fiance and at the same time immaturely hanging on to my student image. Grow up woman, you graduated in 1997!
Stopping smoking the green stuff also made me realise I was addicted to nicotine;as it is obligatory to mix the green with the tobacco my dependence on Marlboro Lights alarmingly increased from 6 a day to over 20 a day while on my travels.
I can now happily say I am trying my hardest to quit the cigs. It will be 2 weeks on Monday since I let the dreaded weed past my lips and with all my new found strength and willpower I feel this habit may have been cracked too.
My final habit which took so long to crack was my 5 year relationship. I have no malice to convey and wish him luck. It is so difficult to realise your fairytale will disperse into a nightmare unless you have the strength to give up the ghost.
Many months have been spent deliberating, hours rationalising, reasoning and regurgitating over the phone with him and to my dear friends. Emails are not the easiest way to communicate with someone when you are dealing with such sensitive matters, especially when one is in England and the other is in S America.
It took some doing but he is out of my life. I would love to be friends but that will never work, so we said our final goodbyes and can try and get on with our lives.
I am still writing my book and have a title and a structure. The structural element was really hard to think up and this alone took me 8 months. Let's hope I can fill in some of my old stoner time with my writings, anything is better than an ashtray full of roaches, a life living with a roach and a future with no hope.