Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Quick Update

Just a quickie update on the Thanksgiving Holidays.

Thought I would use the spare 30 mins I have to let you know what I have been up to during the past week. May I appolgise to my friends first though, I am so rubbish at emailing you but do miss you all terribly. My Chrissy card list is being ticked so expect something in real ink through the post soon.

Thanksgiving Thursday last week.
Went to Angie's for a Scottish vegi food-a-thon. Got very merry and ended up at Treat Street bar in the Mission.

Shopping for Uggs knee length lace up boots and various pressys for moi. Nice new heels (although not apreciated by all who saw them), jumpers for the winter etc.
Then met up with my roomie Mike and his mate, now officially my mate Blair, from NZ, and hopped a few bars up Haight Street. Back to ours, looked at the dominoes and went to bed.

Baker's Beach SF, with Freida the Mike's dog. Oh I will have to buy a camera asap, I need to be posting pics NOW. The dog is gorge' and the beach spectacular, shame you can not see them. Soon my dears, soon.
Sat night I went to Fisherman's Wharfe and met a new friend for cocktails and stuff. All very relaxing.

Sightseeing on Wharfe. Sealions etc.
Then I missed my 1st Spanish lesson, nightmare. So did Mike, bummer.

Work and stayed at mum's.

Same as Monday.

Wednesday NOW.
Just off for dinner round the corner at my mate's Teresa's. Better go gonna be late.


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Sun Set San Gregorio Beach California USA

Hi, just a taster of the sort of gorgeousness I encounter on a daily basis. This was taken last Autumn actually on the beach closest to my mum's house. The weather is very wet in this part of the world today, so I thought I would cheer myself up, plus my step dad is out in that huge chunk of ocean right now. Crab fishing. He has had 2 hours sleep in 48 hours, I bet he is not looking in to the horizon with such rose tinted glasses.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Hello Peeps,
Just passing time at work, it is Thanksgiving tomorrow and I have Thursday and Friday off! It is like the day before you break up for Xmas in the UK. Everyone is the holiday spirit. I even had an eggnog latte yesterday, and wish I'd never bothered - It tasted really boozy - reminded me of the end of a heavy Saturday night squeezing a few Bailey's coffees in just because it seems like the right tipple at 1.20am. Please do not try this at home. I have to try the gingerbread one next - just for comparrison, I will let you know about the taste outcome.
Last night was a mad one, I went to the Filmore in the city to see a band called She Wants Revenge. Unfortunately we, mum, Mike and myself thought that there would be loads of tickets, and there wasn't. So we people watched for a bit outside the venue, I actually saw some girls dressed up. That is a first in the city. The fashion here is however a few months behind London. Which is an improvement on the previous years when I have been making observations. It's all the 3/4 length shorts and Victoriana blouses. Oh, that reminds me Uggs have brought out a new boot - check them out on their website, they have laces and look really warm. I can feel an investment coming on. How do they fair in the snow?
The snow is coming too. Lake Taho is gonna have to be visited this season. I have not been on the slopes since about '98 so please wish me luck, especially considering lack of medical insurance (note to me. Please sort this out). I want to learn how to snow board, so I guess I will have to hire all the stuff, just in case there's one sport I cannot quite master and I have to give it up as a bad job! Anyone off up Taho reading this - I would love to be involved.
Time to tell you about the clubs and groups I have joined in my 1st month in this strange and tantilising city. I have joined a book club, which apparently concentrates on a series of q's and a's regaring one's sex life, so that should take all of 2 mins! I missed my 1st session with the girlies as I was sick, I must find out what the next read is and try and get in the necessary reading more than 6 hours before the meeting - The book is irrelivant from what I have heard, so I should concentrate my efforts on seeking out a good Wednesday night red wine.
I am off to a games night at a random house in the city next Wednesday. I have looked on the Yahoo evite and there are about 30 of us going to some guy's house to play Scrabble, Cranium and Pictionary. Now to you lot at home this probably sounds a bit wanky, but it beats sitting in doors looking at 4 walls, and I am in a new environment. I have realised bars are not a good place to meet people. Unless vagrants, drop outs and bums are one's preffrable genre in pals. This will end up being a boozy night with hangover consequences, must try and remember this when the time comes. My train journey does not bode well with chunder stops and brief moments of outer body experiences. It is a 'Baby Bullet' so it doesn't stop for wimps.
Finally I have signed up for Spanish lessons. It is $15 for an hour and half, there is a group of 8 ish and it is in a house close to mine so won't be too much hassel for a Sunday night. Let's see if I can learn the language when I am paying for them! When I had them free at uni the learning was not as speedy as I imagined - Mind you I did have a lecture at a really silly time like 10am, far too early for the party mad jock that I was. Now with no physical activity obsession or commitments I feel it is time to find the time to educate and open my mind to the wonders of a second language. Plus being in Barcalona with Sarah in October made me want to join in with the conversations, so maybe I will learn fingers crossed.
Oh - forgot have a dinner meeting on Saturday, it is sushi in a place in the city voted the best looking wait staff in the Bay Area. Now talk about pretencious.
Jon Crooks if you are reading this you will be pissing your pants. I AM NOT PRETENCIOUS, honestly, just wanna check out the San Francisco BP members, nowt narcassistic about that is there? I will be updating and probably offending several in my mest blog. Which will be after the "Holidays" when I actually have summat to witter on about, as opposed to now where I am merely passing time untl my bus comes at 3.30.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Thursday, November 17, 2005

SF Book Club

Here are a few of the lasses from the book club I joined. These gals sure are good for make-up tips!

Blind Date

I forgot to mention earlier - I hooked up with a blind date off Craig's list (UK readers this is a mad web site if u r looking for anything - and I mean anything), thought I'd post u a pick!

Out Of Bed At Last

Shouldn't really complain about having to stay in bed for the past 48 hours, but since I was alone and coughing up what looked like the reminants of a coal miner's bath water I suppose I should be happy to finally be back in the swing of things again.
Can I just apologize for the previous post? There is supposed to be an attachment with some sort of personality test however it has not worked. I have no energy to do my usual spoilt brat routine and smash the keyboard around and tutt a lot while cursing about the lack of simplicity of the wondrous invention only a Silicon Valley techi could fathom. No no no, calm and collective just until I get 100% back on form, then the serious investigation and second download attempt may occur.
I must say since I have laid in bed for the past 2 days I completed my book group book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, which was quite a good read considering I prefer true stories, biographies etc; and I have started my 1st Irving novel The Cider House Rules. This illness has made me get into the novel thing. Since I am writing one (will I ever get this off my list of things to do?) I suppose it's necessary research, but I am dying to read something on Howard Stern. Since I have been here I have been catching his last shows on Live 105. They have just had a guy on with a fetish for women throwing up over him. Howard made his dream come true and had three hot chicks in the studio trying to puke! It all ended with a bit of spit up, since these women were a size 0 I think they had only had coffee for breakfast hence the puking game lasted nearly all morning. I am pleased I had a bagel at 6am, which is well and truly digested by this time therefore no puking from this gal. I need to try and understand what happened in this guy's childhood to make him want to produce such drivel, and while I am at Barnes and Nobel I suppose I will find something about him - He seems to love himself a fair bit so they will probably be stocking his 4th re-run of his biography. I listened all morning though so maybe I am sick and twisted too!

Hope you like this picture, I had it taken on my 29th B/day - I thought I would download it or at least try - It could cheer me up too (since I have so many zits my face could be mistaken for the BART route; obviously due to the lack of cleansing routine over past 2 days).

Well, short but sweet - A bit like Graham Norton!


Oh - I must briefly mention the 30somethings and the SFNewcomers group I have joined since I have lived in San Fran. I am looking forward to meeting you (except the weird ones of course), there is a drinky poohs this evening - If I can locate the panstick (to cover the zits) I will be there x

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What I have Done Since I Have Had The Flu

This is a little test I did as I rose from my pit at 12.30 pm. I am in bed with the flu. I have slept for about 36 hours outta the past 48! I look like crap and I am feeling sorry for myself. Then I read my emails and came accross this test and blogged it - It seems pretty on the ball, but don't they all?

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Aren't Baths Brilliant?

It has been so long since I have had the pleasure of living in a home with a bath, so you can imagine after 8 years of living in London I must be pretty smelly! Seriously what a pleasure it is to get home from work and soak in the deepest depths of my 'only in America' mahoosive new tub.
It is only after living here for three weeks and having taken the waters at least 6 times a week (the 7th is shower day) that I have truely begun to appreciate the relaxing quality of a right good soaking. There is the added bonus, which should be a fundamental aspect if you had lived with only a shower for so long, that you can sucessfully shave the necessary areas, without having to do an Evil Kanevil stunt agin the tiles.
I decided instead of doing the usual in and out in ten minutes routine that I was actually going to lay there and partake in a few relaxing techniques, which for me is stopping talking. So I floated (massive bath remember) there, and my body started to actually relax. Gosh, what a wonderful thing that is? To actually have 'me time' without it involving earplugs and a really good pillow. Re reading that line evokes serious connotations for which were, or are (reading back) certainly not intended.
I do not like bubbles in a bath, this factor I have known for some time now. I actually had a flash back yesterday as I was about to take a dip. I fell into the bath and skidded about like a duck on snot for what seemed like an eternity. This fiasco reminded me of my brother and I getting an emptied bath and skidding around with head injury consequences when we were kids. The bubbles stopped then. The odd candle is permissible but I never remember to take in a lighter. Magazines last about 2 seconds before they become at one with my own ocean (remember it is an 'All American' bath).
Finally the aftermath of the Bath, that actually deserves something a bit special;


Trader Joe's Cow Udder Cream


It really is for cow's udders and we all know how smooth they are?


Hope you enjoy a lovely bath soon x

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dia de los Muertos - The Day of the dead

Last night I was in the Mission. Basically it was the night when this entire neighbourhood's Mexican community celebrated the traditional Aztec beliefs of death and after life.
The scene was similar to that of carnival in Salvador, Brazil. However the revelers were dowdily dressed in black with their faces painted to resemble skeletons. Flowers and silver charms were draped and sewn onto the costumes and there was a fair share of men on stilts, looking like something out of Poltergeist.

Unfortunately I have not purchased a new camera yet, even though I have been given permission to use my Step Dad's Pay Pall account (I don't think he realises that's like letting Paris Hilton loose with a Black Amex card!). So I have tried to download an image from a free service on Google. I will probably get my ass sued over copyright but it would be worth it as the image sums up the occasion.
(you have to right click on the blank image and open that way!!!) - I have since tried to delete these pictures to no avail!)

I had a few con limon Coronas - well, when in Rome, and tried to get in to the party spirit. I did manage to upset an Aussie guy as I asked him how long it took him to stick his crooked nose on thus completing a rather fetching Dracula ensemble; "It's MY nose" was his reply. Whoops! He was my friend in the end so I managed to smooth it all away in my Harperistic manner. You know sometimes having big boobs really does come in handy!

My friend Angie from Glasgow has lived in the city forever, I have been mates with her since I was 19 years old. Her house is round the corner from the parade so I met her in the local boozer Treat Street. Apart from watching a 70 year old snort coke from her handbag at the bar it was your usual local really! There is so much potential for the crack (not to be confused with crack cocaine) however my sense of humour tends to fall on stoney ground. Mind you with Angie's laugh and me laughing at Angie's laugh we managed to keep the place bouyant all evening.

Completely off the rails here and I have got an A'level in English what is (sic), I am seeing this a lot lately - I suppose I could do a search, but thought you may like a little lunchtime entertainment.

Anyway, I was pleased to walk to the station this morning with a clear head because no matter how many shots of Tequilla were-a-flowing, I managed to restrain myself. The Coronas were as far as I would go in indulging in Dia de los Muertos - OK I am off now to research this tradition, me thinks swigging Mexican, but probably brewed in the Stated beer, is a little too far from the traditional Latino way. x

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

San Francisco

Ok - I know I have not written for a while. I am only here for a few seconds to dispel any unecessary rumors.

1) I AM NOT PREGNANT (nor do I have a sperm donor)



4) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I HAVE NOT HAD A CIG (it must ba about 15 weeks now, like I care)

So please stop worrying and get ready for a few San Fran blogs, I am really busy getting my social life sorted and this does not involve hours of mindless chit chat on the net. However I do appreciate all of your concerns x

Ok wise bottoms. No back chat on any spellings. The spell check is broken and I am resorting to using a US version of the English dictionary. You have been warned, anything could happen. I have discovered that if a word ends in 'our' they drop the 'u' as in color.