Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Hello Peeps,
Just passing time at work, it is Thanksgiving tomorrow and I have Thursday and Friday off! It is like the day before you break up for Xmas in the UK. Everyone is the holiday spirit. I even had an eggnog latte yesterday, and wish I'd never bothered - It tasted really boozy - reminded me of the end of a heavy Saturday night squeezing a few Bailey's coffees in just because it seems like the right tipple at 1.20am. Please do not try this at home. I have to try the gingerbread one next - just for comparrison, I will let you know about the taste outcome.
Last night was a mad one, I went to the Filmore in the city to see a band called She Wants Revenge. Unfortunately we, mum, Mike and myself thought that there would be loads of tickets, and there wasn't. So we people watched for a bit outside the venue, I actually saw some girls dressed up. That is a first in the city. The fashion here is however a few months behind London. Which is an improvement on the previous years when I have been making observations. It's all the 3/4 length shorts and Victoriana blouses. Oh, that reminds me Uggs have brought out a new boot - check them out on their website, they have laces and look really warm. I can feel an investment coming on. How do they fair in the snow?
The snow is coming too. Lake Taho is gonna have to be visited this season. I have not been on the slopes since about '98 so please wish me luck, especially considering lack of medical insurance (note to me. Please sort this out). I want to learn how to snow board, so I guess I will have to hire all the stuff, just in case there's one sport I cannot quite master and I have to give it up as a bad job! Anyone off up Taho reading this - I would love to be involved.
Time to tell you about the clubs and groups I have joined in my 1st month in this strange and tantilising city. I have joined a book club, which apparently concentrates on a series of q's and a's regaring one's sex life, so that should take all of 2 mins! I missed my 1st session with the girlies as I was sick, I must find out what the next read is and try and get in the necessary reading more than 6 hours before the meeting - The book is irrelivant from what I have heard, so I should concentrate my efforts on seeking out a good Wednesday night red wine.
I am off to a games night at a random house in the city next Wednesday. I have looked on the Yahoo evite and there are about 30 of us going to some guy's house to play Scrabble, Cranium and Pictionary. Now to you lot at home this probably sounds a bit wanky, but it beats sitting in doors looking at 4 walls, and I am in a new environment. I have realised bars are not a good place to meet people. Unless vagrants, drop outs and bums are one's preffrable genre in pals. This will end up being a boozy night with hangover consequences, must try and remember this when the time comes. My train journey does not bode well with chunder stops and brief moments of outer body experiences. It is a 'Baby Bullet' so it doesn't stop for wimps.
Finally I have signed up for Spanish lessons. It is $15 for an hour and half, there is a group of 8 ish and it is in a house close to mine so won't be too much hassel for a Sunday night. Let's see if I can learn the language when I am paying for them! When I had them free at uni the learning was not as speedy as I imagined - Mind you I did have a lecture at a really silly time like 10am, far too early for the party mad jock that I was. Now with no physical activity obsession or commitments I feel it is time to find the time to educate and open my mind to the wonders of a second language. Plus being in Barcalona with Sarah in October made me want to join in with the conversations, so maybe I will learn fingers crossed.
Oh - forgot have a dinner meeting on Saturday, it is sushi in a place in the city voted the best looking wait staff in the Bay Area. Now talk about pretencious.
Jon Crooks if you are reading this you will be pissing your pants. I AM NOT PRETENCIOUS, honestly, just wanna check out the San Francisco BP members, nowt narcassistic about that is there? I will be updating and probably offending several in my mest blog. Which will be after the "Holidays" when I actually have summat to witter on about, as opposed to now where I am merely passing time untl my bus comes at 3.30.

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