Monday, February 27, 2006

Just Sorting Out My CV

I am off back to Blighty in the morning and will be looking for a job until I get a visa. As it is about minus 10 degrees in Yorkshire I am opting for an office job - Back in the Printing world. My mate Mike just sent me this - It sums up the industry really!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Saturday Night In Barcelona

Ola. Buenas Noche.
Just thought I would let you know about my Saturday evening in Barcelona. I went to a party at Hotel Omm which is about as pretencious as it gets in Barca, well, you know the Armani clad bouncers, who all seemed to look like Antonio Banderas; the overpriced drinks; the leather poofs (not gay men sillys, the foot rests).
I had been invited by the promotor - just to add to the pretenciousness, who I met in a bar when out with Heather and Sarah a few weeks ago. He is called Jerman. I call him Alleman which is Spanish for German - all a bit confusing, especially after a few vodka con limons. OK I will stop with the Spanish as most of my readers can not understand English too well, hence the sudden influx of pictures - Bit like reading the Sunday papers really - you can flick through and take a gander at all my scrummy pics. I have added this one for you so u can slag off my red bra. I have only 3 bras on me as you all know my clothes are in another continent right now. Well, at least my jewelry matches. It was taken just before I went out at midnight on Sat.
I have had the pleasure of meeting a Northern Lass who is originally from the Wirral, but has been in NYC designing acessories for the past 10 years so she came round for dinner - Cauliflower Surprise. Can not give more than that away, thus ruining the surprise, but if you did ever get lucky enough to sample some, I am sure you'd love it. Mam, ta for t' recipe. Few roast spuds too, need a bit of substance when one is about to embark on serious measures of alcohol in the old bebidas - sorry drinks. Oh these lessons are really paying off.
In fact I spoke Spanish all night on Sat - everyone knows my occupation, where I am from, where I want to live and my mother's brother's children's names - simply cousins I know, but one must maximise one's vocab skills. Talking of which I must gt on and do my homework, instead of maulding round the house all day. It's a shame I only know the the present tense, a few irregular verbs and the reflexive verbs - by the way that means you do it to your self - Mastabatarse, can you guess that one? Always COMES in HANDY!
Dancing was the order of the evening, it did sem like a bit of a school disco upon 1st inspection but as I became more inhibriated I could see the sense in dancing like summat not quite right for the rest of the evening. Still suffering a bit from the old ski muscle injuries, however after a few leg kicks they began to warm up a bit.
Lots of demin I noticed, not much dressing up here - I am beginning to think it is only girls from Leeds, Newcastle and Kent who dress like they are off to a gay wedding ceremony that's being held in Ibiza. Really I am serious, us Brits do not seem to wear very much and it was commented on by a Swiss pal of mine from class. I miss that though, it's good to flaunt some flesh and try & match some bikini top with the shortest skirt off the rack. I think boys like it better too- Why wouldn't they wanna see a bit of snatch when they are out for a good time on a Saturday? Yes, jeans are big here, so are very strange dread lock mullets. I have not been home for a while and really do hope that this fashion has been religated to the great fashion disaster record books, come on boys - you are nothing like a footy player - Grow up. Nah, it's actually the women who sport these weird doidges (as I would say) they involve a fringe that looks like something someone, with no fingers and a machettie would achieve if one was daft enough to walk in to a salon employing the physically imparred and ask for a mullet. I need to think of a word for this new doidge. Bullet is the right description for a bald head with long bits grasping on for dear life down the neck - Bald-Mullet right? But this outragous crime to OTHER PEOPLE'S vision is a serious misdemeanour, some sort of law needs to be written preventing such fashion disasters. I mean we are the one's looking it it - No one go's round with a mirror constantly glued to once face - well, apart from Kate Moss - No, sorry she's all reformed and that - whoops forgot.
I need to think of a name, I need to go and have a cig to calm me down and try and come up with something...Hang on...Back in 10 drags...
Got it. A Dred-it, that'll do - I dread to think of any respectible hardresser putting their fine skills to such a do, but it's happening right here in Barca.
I must go and do my homework now - Less of the delay tacticts.
I am home in the UK on the 28th Feb for anyone who gives a damn. Oh, I my new boyfriend will be flyng accross the pond at the end of March. I am so looking forward to meeting him at last! Crazy.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Thanks for Mum's

Happy Valentine's Day.
Even though it is a bunch of shite promoted by Hallmark and the likes it is still great to know someone loves you even if it is only your Mother!
I have just been on the phone to my dear Mother in San Francisco and thanked her for the wonderful package of gifts she had so kindly sent for me. Bless.
I recieved all the things a girl requires on this the day of pampering, hugs and love.
  • A lovely 'Daughter' card.
  • A tiny metal box containing 4 gorgeous chocs
  • 3 Hello Kitty lip glosses in assorted flavours
  • Hello Kitty knickers
  • 2 pairs of love heart socks (one for trainers and one for boots)
  • 2 pairs of tights - mad big holed orange fishnets and pink and red patterned
  • Posh night cream ( redirected from my own medicine cabinet in SF - you know the one I will probably never have access to again due to my terrorist status!)
  • Make-up bag
  • 2 hair bobbles
  • My much missed camera charger - which is in action now - ready for me to try and download my Vancouver pictures
  • FINALLY 2 bras - 38D from my appartment in the city - which are not mine - but came from my wardrobe (Whos are they I wonder? - straight in bin I must add - What do you think I could fit my melons in them? Still 34 DD actually even though I am a size 10, for the 1st time since I was 13 - hey UK 10 = USA 7 ish)

Mum also sent me my mail which has been sent from my old home in London, to my Grandma's in Yorkshire, to my mother's in San Francisco to ma casa en Barcelona. It seems that my mail follows a similar journey plan as it's recipient. Mental to think that a few credit card statements, reminders to pay off Student Loans and a reminder that a library book was due back in October (not in my hands, I took it out for an aquaintence) have travelled at least 13,000 miles to get to me.

I must moan now and tell my Grandma to stop opening my mail then sending it to the USA for me. I like opening my own mail thanks very much - now half of the modern world know the ins and outs of my finances.

Anyway it is the day of St Valentine - who the heck is that by the way? Anyone know? Anyone bothered? Anyone arguing right now because their boyfriend did not get chocs, flowers, teddys or engagement rings?

I am going out tonight with a Scouse girl from my Spanish class and her Scouse mate, so what ever happens on this day of love, even though I am not with mine I will have a laugh, probably get hammered and wish I had never bothered when I get to school after only 3 hours sleep.

Monday, February 13, 2006

My Monstrously Mountainous Mini Break

Well, I am here to tell the tale of my absolutely brilliant little skiing Saree which I embarked upon this weekend. My wonderful hosts told me a few weeks ago that we would be taking a little trip and I was not sure if it would be in Andorra or somewhere else I have never been to before, and if you look at the pictures below you will see the exact region we went to Baqueira-Beret, which is in the Pyrenees. You know the range which boarders France and Spain? Well you do now.
After finishing Spanish Class, and being told I was to drop back to weeks 1 and 2 instead of progressing to weeks 3 and 4 - probably summat to do with emailing my new man for 3 hours a night instead of learning my verb-i-os; I legged it back to the casa to get my ski essentials packed - you know - shiny pink lip gloss, Prada shades, first aid kit, beer money and thermals. Sarah and I waited for Jose Ramon to get off work and we set off North West of Barca towards the mountains. It was dark so I had only the little bit of Internet browsing scanned earlier in the week to help me gain some idea of the gorgeousness I was missing. Boy was I in for a treat.
The Hotel was called the Apple Tree, and was hotter than the surface of the sun, which made me begin to worry about the next days temperatures, not that it would bother me as I would be remaining vertical all day - surely...Anyway we were tired as it was now 1am. No time for reading the rest of Brideshead Revisited - Does Charles ever get Sebastian into bed I wonder? Don't tell me, don't tell me. I have nearly got to the sex scene.
Breakfast consisted of lots of dead pigs, dead ducks and dead sausages, all very fatty, but good energy food so it was devoured with a few slices of white toast. I must say white bread is all the rage here, such a shame when it took me nearly 2 years to wheen me off the stuff. I digress. I made sure I ate as much as possible because I had heard somewhere that skiing burned off lots of calories. I had about 2k, enough or so I presumed. I hiredski poles and ski, ski, skis - ah yes that's their name. It was only 35 euros for a two day lend and the man measured me with a bit of old wood and an old fashioned shoe measure like one used to get clamped into in Clarks' as a kid. Off sky, ready for the slopes.
I must say the drive was slow, winding and queish. Everyone was planning on taking a little trip to the slopes it seemed, mind you looking round one can not imagine doing anything but. I was a bit perturbed my the numerous foot prints in the snow and was beginning to thing that a Puma, bear or Yettie was gonna grab me if I decided to go off piste. Once we arrived we started the long process of trying to squeeze one's feet into what seemed like fit for dwarfs and midgets feet only ski boots - Squashed, painful and totally unnatural. Now you have to remember my skiing knowledge is limited, well, was and I was absolutely shitting icicles at the thought of hurtling down a slope, covered in ice and snow, which seemed to resemble a very long version of something Eddie the Eagle Edwards may have reluctantly thrown himself down numerous years ago, you know when he was pseudo-cool-chic? It is a good job Jose was there, however he did let me have a go before he taught me the basics. Much to his amusement, I swanked down a vertical drop at 2,500 feet like a screaming banshee with her fingers caught in a car door. He could not stop laughing, especially at my stopping technique which consisted of launching myself sideways onto the snow, past the barriers and with a massive whack to the right hip bone. Nice.
After smacking into a cable car lamp post-type pole, covered in luminous orange padding, loosing a ski and virtually breaking my neck, Jose told me that I had to walk before I could run, or ski like I was on the loo before I could get down the mountain in a speedy manner. All this falling business would have to stop and I would need to concentrate and act like a total beginner before I could try and be a successful skier. He should have really listened to his own advice, as when we were due to miss the last ski lift to the car he decided to take me piggy back stylee with my skis in one hand and his poles in the other down the last slope of the day. Baring in mind the snow boarding gear I had bought on my mini break to Vancouver which turned into a 2 month doss round Europe, was bulky, his clothing was bulky too, the slope was a steep one and I weigh 10 stone all adding up to the word disaster, indeed lead to a huge error, too much speed, not enough control, ploughing into Sarah (who was calmly waiting at the bottom) and causing serious knee injury to the only proper skier in the party. All this and we missed the last lift. Not that the girlies were bothered, we knew we were not to be stranded to fend for ourselves in the bitter cold of the snowy wonderland. Nah, we knew all along that we had out eyelash fluttering technique to hand (waterproof mascara necessary), and got a lift from a ski instructor in his Jeep back down to the car. Sarah drove me back to the hotel so that I could get a well deserved bath and drove her fiancee to the hospital. To cut a long story short he has to have an xray in a week, but the Dr said it's a broken ligament or bone - to be determined once the ultra sound has been carried out.
Shame really as the instructor missed the second day on the slopes, and Sarah and I were left alone to dare to try the rest of the runs. Once I had the fear of God in me I was a sensible novice, got down 3 more runs, only falling once. I only fell once stopped as my little tree trunk thighs would not hold me up any more. This leaves me here now - back in BCN with legs I can not longer control and a walk akin to my dear old Great Grandma Biddy's (Bless Her Soul) who was the ripe age of 100 and walked like Golum off The Lord of The Rings, come to think of it she looked a bit like him in the end too. (Big fat joke). I think she was actually with me over the weekend, my Guardian Angel making sure no harm came to the me - only to the Spics!

Baqueira - Beret The Pyrenees Spain

Thursday, February 09, 2006

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My Aunt Sent Me This - Do You Think She's Taking The Piss?

A little boy goes to his father and asks "Daddy, how was I born?"
The father answers: "Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!
Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo.
Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and me met at a cyber-cafe.
We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive.
As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a blessed little Pop-Up appeared and said:
You got Male.

Monday, February 06, 2006


This is the first picture of my friend Sarah and her and her husband Shane's brand new baby girl Shire Day. How gorgeous? I am so brudy right now, this picture brought tears to my eyes. I am so pleased that she was a healthy 7lb 2 oz, with all fingers and toes. How cute are those little bee-stung lips? I have now got an excuse to go out and buy some 'bebe ropas' in the Barcelona sales, which I must say are approaching nearly 80%off - Bargain (not that I would not have paid full price!).
The happy couple live down under in Perth Australia so maybe they will get this message - Shire will probably be having her own by the time meet her! Hope not, well done. Loads of love to you all.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Swept Of My Feet

This is an amaizing tale of how powerful the written word can actually be. With only email as a medium I am falling in love.

My search for a husband maybe coming to an end, because I have found my perfect match. I met a wonderful, sensitive, intuative, kind hearted, intelligent, humorous man on-line and he is coming to Barcelona to sweep me off my feet - or sweep the floor with me (the cynic in me is only for your purpose - I am hooked).

He is pinching himself and I am slapping myself over the face trying to make sense of this sudden and seemingly too-good-to-be-true moment of fate. Something good has finally come around. I was begining to believe that I had no chance of meeting a man who was man enough for me. Well, look no further, he's here. Well, he's not - at the moment he is 3 photographs, over 300 emails and a few phone calls away from reality.

He is 39 years old, divorced, no kids, has lawful employment, lives in San Francisco and is not challenged by height issues - He is 5'11" - or so he says - If he is smaller than me he will not be greeted by my open arms, just me pointing back to the departure lounge at BCN airport. I am so excited, he is flying all that way to meet me. We are both extatic.

My family are really happy for me, which is a first! They must hear it in my voice when I relay how lovely and so right for me he is. My Mum is meeting him before I do for coffee. She wanted to and he asked so I have sealed my own fate! He has prommised however if he does not like her (as if he would not) he will still come here to plant a kiss on my cheek. He said he would swim thorough shark infested water just to get me an ice cold lemonade - so he passed the Dr Laura and Mother test.

The internet is a fantastic way to meet someone for several reasons. The main one for me is one can ask away, any question on any issue; now, when one is speed emailing as we are, one knows that the person on the other end is genuine. One can tell a lot from the written word, especially when emailing someone for 3 hours a day.

For the cinics and critics out there, give me advice, I will listen, but we'll see...

I am the happiest I have been for a long, long time. And if that's all I get out of this affair I will be greatful that it happened to me :-)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Intensive Spanish Lessons Are....


Bloody hell, I am supposed to be learning verbs. How can one do that in an other language when one has difficulties in one's Mother tongue?

I just wanted you all to know I am really happy right now - The sun is shinning in Barcelona, the food and people are fantastic and my hosts are the best.

I am writing because I am avoiding important matters - o, as, a, amos ais, an and all that.
