Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Rocky Start to The Week

Well, well well - She's back and fighting fit - I have to tell you about my rock climbing experience at the Touchstone Mission Cliffs in San Francisco last night. I was on a date and a very touch feely date it was - All that harness strapping, tying up - I mean off and of course the super sleek sports bra and shiny lycra leggings - Purchased only hours before at my favourite city store Ross Dress For Less. Any excuse to purchase more clothes that won't fit into my ever increasing wardrobe. That reminds me I must buy a car soon - I need to purchase a chest of drawers and I would need a vehicle to get it home in! Now to some of you, that seems like rather an extravigant purchase for the sake of a set of drawers; but something I need to get soon. My 2 hour each way commute is wearing a bit thin now and the most painful part of the 40 mile journey by bus, train and shuttle bus is avoiding all the morning smilers which seem to be as much a part of this place as Alkatraz.
Back to the climbing. I knew I would have no fear, well, except that of breaking a finger nail, and I was right - I listened intently, remembering the waiver form I'd just signed and noting the very limited holiday insurance I purchased just before my rafting weekend, which is actually null and void as I am residing here not holidaying. My date - who shall remain nameless - he knows who he is,is very experienced in the rock climbing department - Mind you's he'd have to be used to manouvering mountains if he is gonna hang with me! Yes - The boys are still in town even though my recent 14lb weight loss reduced the puppies to only a D-Cup.
I quickly progressed from a 5.0 to a 5.4 - (I think that's the classification). I learned how to put one foot on top of the other and quickly move the bottom one whilst keeping a hold on the rock face and looking good :-), this action has a name I forget but I am sure I can incorporate it into one of my dance moves none the less. I will have to get bck to you on the specifics.
The boulders looked interesting, no ropes required and a lot of body bending, grunting and contemplation. Sounds like many a Saturday night I know. I ned a lot of pratice before I'd consider or be allowed to scale one of those beauties. It was whilst watching my man do his stuff on them I decided a 20 minute intensive up hill bike ride was a good idea. My face went beetroot in approximately 2 minutes and I had a very sweaty tummy - You go girl. Walking down to the steps to the water fountain was an experience after it I can tell you.
A trip for tapas down the Mission was a splendid end to the evening, even though I managed 3 bits of calamari and 1/2 a quesedia - you know not wanting to pile on the 300 calories I'd just broken my back to burn off!
So there you go, another Harper 1st - I loved it.
Appologies for spell check absence - What is it with this PC?

Monday, May 15, 2006

I Am Alive

Well, well, well. I finally have the time and inclination to get back on track with my blog. As you can imagine a whole month in San Francisco can conjure up many a funny tale, in fact I am not sure where to begin.
First things first. I would like to public shame the bloke who thought he'd captured my heart and tell you what a complete wanker he turned out to be. The man from the internet who wanted to meet my Grandparents in the UK and even mentioned a trip to see me in Barcelona on more than one occasion turned out to be a Billy Bullshitter and he is no more. I would tell you more on this but I'd have to kill you. Let's just say his Government job made it difficult to call me and pamper me with the basic things in life you know like taking me out (for a start) and returning my calls and texts more than once a week. His job also was against my moral standings and it was probably for my own good that he turned out to be a flake.
Anyway, that's that over and done with and I am having a lot more fun now I seem to have shaken that little affair off my shoulders. Talking of which mine are killing me, not only due to the fact I drove for 3 hours with the sun roof open, no sun cream in 90 degree heat but also because I have just spent a fantastic weekend north of Sacramento at the American River, camping and the shoulder killing rafting. It was a 'level 3 plus' sort of a weekend on the river, which to those of you who have had the pleasure of white water rafting will know it's not for pussies, but not for the complete adrenalin freak either. The most balls needed for the weekend was the fact I had met my camping (in a 10 man tent - together - boys and girls) buddies on line at a Yahoo SF New Comers site. The trip organiser Spencer was almost too good at getting 8 complete strangers to entrust each other with their lives, well that may be a bit melodramatic, actually it isn't 'cause if we did not row together as a team no doubt we'd have been rafting round in circles all day Saturday.
It was an added bonus Spencer is in the wine business, which is a very serious occupation in these parts. I must admit I have not touched a drop of European wine since I landed in San Francisco, one doesn't need to as Napa and Sonoma are so close to the Bay Area in fact they are in the Bay Area. Anyway I managed to help polish a case (12 bottles) off over the weekend. With a little help from my 'new' friends.
I have pictures but have been a little busy to down load them, and to be totally honest (could I be 'owt else?) , I have not figured out how to download recent pictures only without having to duplicate the ones I have already got on the PC - No wonder this bloody thing keeps freezing, my camera's carrying 500 pics at the minute, too much memory munching if you ask me.
As usual I digress (God, have I missed writing this ;-) ). Oh yeah rafting - rhymes with shafting, which is apt since the American River was the place where the Gold Rush started in 1849 - Hence the San Francisco 49'ers football team's name. See, I am not just here getting hammered, dancing, smoking and sunbathing - A little history never hurt anyone, and you should be thankful I am here finding all of this out for you. Most of my readers are living in the UK and I just know you are pleased to sacrifice your 2 days of sun to come home from work, read this and appreciate all the new stuff I am teaching you! That sentence does not make sense after reading it back, but I know what I am on about, and frankly I am too tired from drinking copious amounts of wine, breakdancing round the campfire and rowing like my life depended on it to give a crap and amend. Feel free to make a comment.
I was gonna write a list of activities I have done in the past 6 weeks (on Thursday) that I have been here, but I forgot my diary today and I am just about to cadge a lift from my Step Dad to his house for tea with Mummy and her 2 mates who have just landed from the UK, Terry and Barry - Classic comedy value names don't you agree? I will however pass on my goings one, and also observations from traipsing round the city on busses and trains.
Have you ever seen a guy injecting heroin outside your front door when you get home from work? Have you ever seen someone clipping their finger nails on a public bus? Have you seen a man cleaning his ears out with a cotton bud on the same public bus as the random nail clipperrer? Well, I have - so even though the sun is cracking the flags, life isn't all a bed of roses. The heroin addict has moved a few doors down since I called the cops on him twice. See not all San Franciscans are selfish druggies with no consideration for others - I just wish he'd take his needles home with him!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bay Bridge

Thanks Mike for rotating this for me. I really like this picture. I now need to know how to delete the previous one. I am gonna email Blogger.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Opening of The Bay Day Sunday 31st April

Does anyone know how I can move the image round so it's portrait?
Taken on my boat trip on Sunday - Look shit but I am in a rush to get something on today!

Best Of British On Baker Beach

OK no time to Blog - So a bikini picture it is!! Don't know what the deal is with the arms - I am certainly not doing Yoga. I have so much to write and no time - More pictures later on and I promise by the end of the week I will have time to write.
This is a picture taken on Sunday at Baker Beach - as you can see it has wicked views of the Golden Gate Bridge - a perfect spot to chill after a heavy session on Saturday night. Please stay with me - I have so much to say, you would not believe.
Jo x