Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bugger Me It's Raining

Just so you know - It has been pissing it down in San Mateo County CALIFORNIA since yesterday morning, and I am not a happy camper. Well, if I was actually camping instead of being seated in my luxurious new bedroom I would certainly not be in the best of moods. The reason for the rain is because Mike is here on a visit from Kent, UK. Keeping me company while I house sit for my folks in La Honda.
I think he brought me the rain, as well as t-bags, Marmite, Cruncie bars, Galaxy (2 massive blocks of the stuff), Germaloids cream, Oxo's and a beautiful camel coloured Crombie style coat from Marks and Spencer (see pic). Funny the things one misses from home. If you are wondering about the Germaliods, yes they are for one's piles. The USA version doesn't quite cut the mus-turd!
Yes, the rain. It makes already shite drivers more dangerous. Mind you, I did contribute to a fancy bit of accident avoidance this morning. Driving my Step Dad's GMC 4 wheel truck up the very windy slippery and wet road, I skidded on the white line, and had a bit of a scary moment. Basically the back wheels gave way, similar to the legs of an aged German Shepherd, and I had a job on controlling the situation. Just looking over at Mike's face made me realise we were nearly in a wreck and since there was a truck coming round the bend at the time I did well avoiding carnage. I had been warned by my Dad not to drive his truck in the rain because of it's dodgy back end, but had no choice a since it was 'garbage' day I had to haul the bins to the end of Peek-A-Boo Lane. Job for the GMC, nearly resulting in multiple injuries, but one would not want Mummsie coming home to full trash cans from her holidays even if it did mean her only daughter ended up in hospital. Mike I know it was YOU who lugged the rubbish about, but do you know how hard it is to keep a flow in the story if one has to insert minor details? ;-)
Anyway - It still rains on my lovely adopted country. I am pleased in a way - saved me telling Mike to sort out Mum's irrigation!


Anonymous said...

is mike better known as dedders or do you know another mike from kent

Jo Harper said...

Yed Mike Dedders