Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Trip to Tahoe

Hello dearest blog-readers,

How the devil are you?

I have just come back, well, on Monday, from a fantastic weekend of skiing fun up in the mountains at Lake Tahoe. I went back to Heavenly, which brought back many happy of memories of this time last year. It is such a beautiful resort. Sarah and Jose came for a week last January and we skied in a snow storm. I remember exactly where we were when we stopped for a hot cocoa, the pictures of the gang on this post are taken in the same spot. On my previous visit I could not see my hand in front of my face.

We drove up, well, Matt did the driving, (my brother James sat in the front and I was fetal positioned up in the tiny seats in the back of Matt's truck) last Friday. I had booked a cabin at Zephyr Cove in Nevada, which slept 12. With a lot of emailing, calling and stressing I managed to get 8 people. It was a decent size place, but the bedrooms weren't to private or roomy enough. Matt and I got the master room, however it was the home of the World's loudest heating system. It went off every 30 minutes, just giving one time to nod back off before blasting you in the ear drums with some serious gusto.

Hope you like the snaps x

Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy 2008

Well, I cannot believe it has been so bloody long since I got off mt fat arse and blogged - well, I need to be sat on my bum to blog and it's not fat so I guess I should scrap that whole sentence.
I must say Facebook has been occupying most of my spare- 'let's talk about me' time. If you are not a member of this blogathon phenomenon I suggest you get off your lazy fat butts and get an account - I am there under my new email address if you have a spare second of 'let's look at Jo time' to spare, so to speak.

I am also in a full-on relationship with a lovely, gorgeously gorgeous man (Matt) who needs my undivided attention thus rendering it impossible to blog, or write anything much, hence my emails are slacker of late and also why Facebook is such a revelation. One can be a right nosey biatch without speaking to anyone, pop a few pictures of fun weekend events on the album section and search for school bullies and x-bestist forever friends and see how popular you are compared to your other friends.

They are real friends though, people who I have on my list - I do get odd requests from time to time from randoms wishing to be acquainted with me, but that is not what Facebook is about. Now, if I were still single it could be a cheaper way than to find a date. Me? Never! - those times passed me by with nothing but a few notes (for future publications) and a quick trip to the STD clinic (JOKE - oh how I wish I did not have to write joke here, but it is; would be a lot funnier without, but could end up with me being dumped and thus finding a whole new purpose of my daily Facebook wanderings). Facebook is my new fix - since I watch no TV (well, OK I confess- only 'cause Matt will contradict me), OK. I own no TV. I do watch other people's IE my room mate's when she's out, or Matt's when I have decided enough is enough and I want a night in. I am trying to say Facebook is my Coronation St, my Eastenders, my Big Brother. Since I moved to San Francisco 2 1/2 years ago I have had to find something to entertain my restless gossip leach and Facebook my friends is the way to go.

I was impressed with the 'superwall' function which allows one to play youtube videos. However when I tried to download a skiing vid- you know just to show off that I am now the Ski Master- capable of skidding down double black diamonds with the rest of 'em. In fact I see one can now blog a video so here goes- 1st video on my blog (fingers crossed).

And before I leave thanks for the support you whinge bags give me to continue these mindless rants- now I know I am missed I may be able to add a few more entries. Keep smiling, keep reading. Miss you more than you will ever know xx