Thursday, March 19, 2009


OK- I am finally blogging again. I want to be a writer but don't write jack shit. I want to be published but do absolutely nothing to promote myself or increase my chances, ie I am very lazy. I have not been blogging since last June, and I can not blame anyone except myself for my sheer inability to put pen to paper and get my ass away from housewife duties long enough to get something down. Even if it is rants about how crap I am at not ranting.

Last night my Husband said that I have not written a damn word since I got wed. I can not argue with that one really, except I have written to my mate Vicky in Kent on occasion, and also to my dear Granddad who is in a home with Parkinson's Disease. Oh, I write a lot of checks too, but I guess they don't count for much.

The only thing that I have been doing to actively improve my chances of ever getting paid for any of this gibberish is reading. I have found my reading mojo again and now an rushing through the three bookshelves full of my garage sale finds and a few stragglers that I liberated from the Community Thrift shop. I have even got used to reading the news on line, only took me 15 years to get my head round it. Nothing beats reading a real news paper, and sadly my kids will probably never get the chance since a lot of dailies are getting slashed in this economy. Nothing will beat the British papers which I miss so much, especially the Guardian. I miss the smell even - Better not get me started or I will be craving fish and chips next.

I have been a housewife since I got wed back in Feb 2008, waiting patiently for a visa so I can stop spending the savings and contribute a little more than the Martha Stewart effort I have been putting in, and basically help utilize this brain, which cannot withstand too much more partying, therefore should be taken advantage of more, especially since baby talk is being banded about a lot, and I resign myself to the fact I am gonna be goo-gooing and ga-gaing for the next few years at least.

Rereading this I cannot even convince myself that my bone idleness has been weaving its web of mass degeneration for the past, gosh nearly year. I am finally admitting to myself that I have a talent and I should get it out in the world. It's just this block I get, I have a fear of something, perhaps rejection, which stumps my talents and renders me a Hoovering, cooking baking freak. I have even got a sewing machine! Mind you, it's not like that thing will make curtains on its own. It is nearly as stubborn as me, and has only accumulated an inch or so of dirt since I bought it for $30 from a man who's Mam died. The bargains one can pick up at garage sales in America is unbelievable. It is just waiting for me to create, like this blankish space I am tapping away at now.

Come to think of it another reason for my disappearance of the blogiverse is that I am not addicted to Facebook. It is ridiculous, even Matt (who is in his 40's) is on it first thing each day. I am fascinated at the photos people put on there, the old style, scanned in pictures are the best. There is definitely entertainment in looking back and random people's embarrassing hair styles and clothing choices. Plus meeting back up with random people from random times talking a load of random rubbish is to me appealing. I love Facebook, but alas my friends time spent on this site is decreasing as of today. Sunshine and promise of being a published writer, oh and the fact I have the time to do all of this will now dictate my old but new habit of writing.

I cannot believe people have missed my blog.. It is amazing people can actually be arsed to read my waffling, mind you they do in real life so I may have something after all.

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