Monday, September 26, 2005

A Girls Night out in Leeds (check Richie in the back)

Yippe - Finally worked this out now, it has only taken a year but since I have been out of work the past few weeks I have finally had the time and inclination to figure the posting of pictures and adding text at the same time. Can I just say thanks to (in order on picture), Leanne, Kathryn Sutcliffe (nee Knight), Kathryn Brant and Nicky Watson for coming out in Leeds on Sat - I had a wicked time girls - Even though I allowed a husband and a boyfriend to attend we still managed to pull of a girlie suaree.
Richard thanks for puking in da club - It meant I could get a decent night's kip at your house without fearing for my best mate , your lovely wife having to clear up after you all night.
Finally figured out why Leanne never seems to get hammered - 'Cause she is tending to your near death experiences such as vomit and choke and die.
Look at Leanne holding me back so I do not fall into the road! Just noticed that. She is a darling.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

ANONYNOUS>>>oh please

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo - It was a pleasure to come out with you on that Saturday. We had a great time it was really funny especially when you showed your hairy ass crack to the lady bouncer, it got us straight into the bar.
Nice photo, shame about the orange tinge to it he, he