Monday, September 26, 2005

No Smoke Without Fire

It has been 8 weeks exactly since I gave up smoking...
It is hellish...
I want a cig NOW...
It is all I think about for hours on end...
Why is it so hard?
Why do I want to eat anything containing over 10g of fat?
Crave a carrot for fucks sake...
Just bought a size 14 pear of jeans.
My life is over.
I wish could just have one cig and it all be ok - Back to 8 weeks of not having one, but I know the dreaded weed will recapture my life.
It is bad enough being fat, not having a cig but to get a big fat red zit on the chin - You just don't need it, never gonna want it, cann't help but squeeze it.
Thank the Aussies for tea Tree oil, what would we do without it.
Am I bored and fed up or what?
My unborn, unconcieved child you are so fortunate to have such a caring mother.
(please excuse any typos or spelling errors - You know how conciencious I am, my spell check has failed to work. I may now have to launch the computer out of the nearest window - lack of niccotine will be the cause)

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