Thursday, October 06, 2005


Just to let you know I am having a ball in Spain - Well Cattalonia if I am being PC. I have been in Barcelona since Sunday evening and I am having a ball with my best mate Sarah who took residency here a few months ago.
I am single again and am not gonna be dating for a while - Just well, you know playing a little bit instead. Too hung over to write much at the moment, those Mojitos last night did not go down too well with this bout of cold I caught back in Blighty. I feel as rough as a badger´s bum.
Terragona is beautiful. Go if you ever get a chance. I drove up there the other day with Sarah´s boyfriend Jose and we had a lovely lunch and tour around the Roman ruins, there´s an ampitheatre and chariot track to walk around very picturesque especially since it is situated right on the Med.
No time to waffle on today - I will give you a low down of the trip upon my return. I am moving to San Francisco on the 17th of Oct, America be afraid, be very afraid!


Jo Harper said...

Oy CJ just ´cause u r the the blog master

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Not me babe.You wanna see how many comments all the blog stars really get!!

Heather said...

Moving to San Francisco? Awww.. wow. Loved it there. Went for 2 weeks this time last year.. would love to return when I have the chance.