Thursday, November 10, 2005

Aren't Baths Brilliant?

It has been so long since I have had the pleasure of living in a home with a bath, so you can imagine after 8 years of living in London I must be pretty smelly! Seriously what a pleasure it is to get home from work and soak in the deepest depths of my 'only in America' mahoosive new tub.
It is only after living here for three weeks and having taken the waters at least 6 times a week (the 7th is shower day) that I have truely begun to appreciate the relaxing quality of a right good soaking. There is the added bonus, which should be a fundamental aspect if you had lived with only a shower for so long, that you can sucessfully shave the necessary areas, without having to do an Evil Kanevil stunt agin the tiles.
I decided instead of doing the usual in and out in ten minutes routine that I was actually going to lay there and partake in a few relaxing techniques, which for me is stopping talking. So I floated (massive bath remember) there, and my body started to actually relax. Gosh, what a wonderful thing that is? To actually have 'me time' without it involving earplugs and a really good pillow. Re reading that line evokes serious connotations for which were, or are (reading back) certainly not intended.
I do not like bubbles in a bath, this factor I have known for some time now. I actually had a flash back yesterday as I was about to take a dip. I fell into the bath and skidded about like a duck on snot for what seemed like an eternity. This fiasco reminded me of my brother and I getting an emptied bath and skidding around with head injury consequences when we were kids. The bubbles stopped then. The odd candle is permissible but I never remember to take in a lighter. Magazines last about 2 seconds before they become at one with my own ocean (remember it is an 'All American' bath).
Finally the aftermath of the Bath, that actually deserves something a bit special;


Trader Joe's Cow Udder Cream


It really is for cow's udders and we all know how smooth they are?


Hope you enjoy a lovely bath soon x


Russell CJ Duffy said...

a candle and no lighter? sounds mildly erotic!

Anonymous said...

wears the soap?