Sunday, December 18, 2005

Happy Crimble

Where is the spell check these days? Apologies and who ever sent that anon post re my spelling - some are unintentional, mere typos so sod off. Although I must admit I have a problem with double letters in a word.

Ho Ho Hooooooooooooooooooooooo
Harper is back...

Still an on going prob within the fam but I am sure it will either become livable or just dissapear into oblivion.
I am home alone, my room mate has gone to sunnier climes for Xmas to visit his family in Florida. Lucky sod, 'cause right now it has been gale force-winding-it and peeing it down for two days. Shame because I had a date this weekend and we had to spend a lot of time indoors! I did however manage a scenic drive through the redwood trees, passing Xmas tree farms and vineyards. Winding our way to Highway 1 and the Pacific. The fog was pretty bad but he got the jist - You know breathtaking cliffs, crashing waves including the Maveriks which is the biggest wave on record. It comes but once a year like Santa and the surfer dudes are all camping out in Princeton-By-The-Sea waiting for the ride of their lives.
Friends, country men and country men in foreign parts Happy Christmas to you and yours. May the season be filled with many happy times and may Santa bring you something you actually want instead of another electric razor or pair of gloves. Just in case anyone is feeling generous - especially my English friends a big box of t-bags would go down a treat. Right now I am on with 'Sleepy Time' bags from a health food shop (no I did not purchase them!) and I may as well neck a full bottle of Night Nurse (Nyquil) as that is the effect one gets. I set my alarm for PM the other day, it's a good job that the dustbin men come down my street at least 3 x a day or I would have been asleep 'till tea time!
Anyway I thought I would let you know I am cool and very pleased with the weekends goings ons. I am just waiting for mum to call me from Union Square so I can meet up and finish of the last minute bits n bobs.
Thanks for the cards - slowly they are getting here. I am like a big kid (well, not that big as the weight I put on from stopping smoking is slowly coming off) when I get home from work. I have been guessing the number of cards in the 'mail' box with Mike - Who was beating me by miles until this weekend. Nitzy, Sarah (nee Day) and Jules thanks.
OK off to get rid of this French manicure I have been scraping off for the past 1/2 hour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your spelling and grammar are still crap from your best print teacher