Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Friends For Life

Hello my dear Blog-buddies,

Hope your weekend has been half as gorgeous as mine then we'd all be happy.
It is that time of year when one feels an urge to connect with one's blisful memories of an age past when one was a student. I just had to meet up with my friends Jon and Jim who were part of the 5 strong posse in the first year at York. Jim's lovely lady Jo was there too - well, we were staying at their home in Preston and she can keep up with the rest of us - so she was in.

Preston yes, it is the wrong side of the Pennines, but for a seasoned traveller like me - I felt reasonably well informed due to the life-long jibes, for what I was letting myself in for whilst taking a train over the boarder. Nothing too sinister to note, however the accent changed dramatically as soon as we headed out of Hebden Bridge towards Accrington, Burnley, Blackburn and Finally Preston. The more rounded tones caught my ear and I quite enjoyed listening to people talking on their mobile phones - More than usual anyway!

I arrived Saturday lunch, after a Friday night in Baildon celebrating Paddy's Day with adverse effects - ie EXACTLTY the same hangover as I get with Stella - Not good. Piercing, knee trembling, deafening sharp pains behind my right eye, and the feeling thet Geoff Capes had just swung a baseball pat round my head. Never mind - I had Jon waiting for me on the platform, looking to make sure he got the right girl this time, as he had previously followed a girl over the footbridge thinking she was me. I know, I know - Hard to believe that there would be someone even half as gorgeous as me - in Preston - On a saturday - Beggers belief!
It was great to see Jon, he has not changed, a little grey mallam streek is his only real age give away - still the same cheeky dimply grin, and bugger's grip side burns. We rushed to the car after getting some fags - I had the shock of my life purchasing the old Marlboroughs - £5.20 - Nearly as much as London Travelcard, which is a bloody rip off as well. I have not purchased a packed in the UK since I stopped back in June. I could not get over it - It is a good job I am on 5 a day - Honest Doctor, no I am, or else I would be freed of my megre wealth in a few months. I have to quit - I don't have to get fat though - price one must pay .

We skipped back to the car to find Jim and Jo snogging in the back seat - how sweet - Loves young dream. Jim is still 29 the little monkey - he's the baby of the gang.

Then all hell broke loose - To recreate the feeling for those college days a rather large bag was divided out and we all began to skin up - well, Jim is still a little tardy in this department and he probably managed to roll 3 in the 24 hour period we spent smoking the stuff.

Jo thanks for the food - you had it sorted right out - crisps, poppadoms and dips, lamb - yes lamb curry - My favourite and a meat we seem to overlook these days - Very tasty all done in a slow cooker - Mother are you reading this? Someone else my age has one of those things. That's Leanne Jo and me now - Wow I may have to start using mine if I ever take up ownership of it again - of the one you got me in a garage sale.

Wow - just remembered the cheesecake, which put 6lbs on me - honestly - I am detoxing on green tea and no bread right now - all for the sake of a rather large slice of Sainsbury's best. I felt really bad as I turned up empty handed - well, except for a very large bag of smoking material. I did not bring any flowers - the ones in the rain station were plastic - and that is worse than getting them from a garage forecourt. I took no wine. Sorry to my hosts - I am sure I mentioned it a few times in my pangs of guilt, I must start to become a better guest. Note to me.

I must say it was a great night, I want to have my own house back soon, I miss entertaining at home - it is such fun and I do like to get completely off it in the comfort of four familiar walls.
Jo went to the pub and came back with her friend Tracey very giggly and was soon drinking vodka lime and sodas like someone had just chopped down all the lime trees. We were just stoned basically - which was exactly the same as getting caned at uni - Jim and Jon were a double act and I injected the necessary put downs and mused much about my current situation ie - on being single, homeless and jobless!

I will just add a bit about my internet relationship which was supposed to culminate in a week of unadulterated pure sex, touring round the Dales and meeting of the grandparents...It is not to be as my beau has too much on at work... Watch this space though. There is an air of somethingness just floating round the corner - I am sure I will catch it this time round. Always the optimist - that's what you get with having my life I suppose!

Thanks again for a super weekend. I loved and am still indisbeliefe Jon managed another night on the cloud of a bed Jim has in the spare room - Why wasn't I invited?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fractal Gorgeousness

This is a fractal. My Granddad introduced me to these the other day and I find them very interesting if you know anything about these let me know x

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The word "fractal" has two related meanings. In colloquial usage, it denotes a shape that is recursively constructed or self-similar, that is, a shape that appears similar at all scales of magnification and is therefore often referred to as "infinitely complex". In mathematics a fractal is a geometric object that satisfies a specific technical condition, namely having a Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension greater than its topological dimension. The term fractal was coined in 1975 by Benoît Mandelbrot, from the Latin fractus, meaning "broken" or "fractured". Looked them up this is a brief description:

Monday, March 13, 2006

Beautiful Snowy Pictures

As you can see the snow has fallen in Keighley. The first picture is of Hawkstone Towers, now a private house but up until recently a home for the elderly. In fact it is where my Great Grandma Edith Steele died aged 100 years 9 months. This picture was taken about 30 minutes after the snow fall started, and I took it stood on the back step of my Grandma's house. I was unlucky to miss the tractor driving past, but still think that it makes a good contrast being so brightly painted.

The second and third pictures are Cliffe Castle. A museum and gardens just 5 mins down the road from where I am right now. I love the blossom trees with the snow clinging to the branches, it will be interesting to see what they will look like with their pink fluffy blossoms adorning each branch.

The snow cleared after 3 days, however this weekend saw a blanket of white, crisp snow. It was lovely to walk in Baildon and see the fields bleached with the 4 inch coverage of the white stuff. Very refreshing to wander the fields, streams and stys, especially after a bottle of wine!

Even though I am not really supposed to be where I am right now, at least I am somewhere that inspires me to get out and snap away!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Yorkshire Again

I am sat in my Granddad's office which resembles something Walter Mittey would have been proud of. It is quite difficult to actually get to the desk, as there is over 70 years worth of books and papers including newspapers never read dating back some 5 years! Granddad is the sort of person who does not throw anything away. He digs his heels in the ground if there is any suggestion of a clear out and simply will not take even junk mail to the dustbin.
However today has been somewhat of a challenge and triumph for me. Under strict orders from my Grandmother, who can not be here as she is otherwise engaged on a Lind-Dancing weekend in Lytham St Annes, I have been advised to get Granddad into gear and throw at least one bin-liner's worth of junk out today. So on this beautifully crisp Spring Sunday I have been tackling the kitchen cupboards. It is amaizing the stuff that is in the deepest crevices of the kitchen, which is Granddad's domain, as he is the only eligible cook in the house, well capable cook I suppose is the correct term. My Grandma can make boiled egg and soldiers - full stop. There are rumours she can do a shepherd's pie, but it's not something I have seen in the 31 years I have been dining here.
The amount of food I threw out under Granddad's strict supervision was enough to feed a small army, that's if they liked out of date buscuits, crisps, jam and the traditional British meat sauces. Mustard is a hot favourite, there were 6 jars destined for the rubbish. Mint sauce, mint jelly , mint leaves were also heading from the cobwebbed decorated shelves to the bin. Not even a New Zealander during lambing season could have shifted 7 jars of the stuff. Why does one need 10 jars of jam, ranging from damson, peach, plum to redcurrant? All opened at some point in time, dying to become aquanted with a freshly baked slice of bread.
It was not merely the amount of stuff that causes my Grandmother to fret to all family members at any given chance - no it's the sell by dates. Now for someone who grew up on war rashons it is heartbreaking to throw any food away, but cream crackers dated 1997 - Come on, who on earth would have wanted them, even if they were served with lashings of nectarine and prune jam? I had to be ruthless.
The only thing I could not get in the 3 bin bags full of foodstuffs were out of date crisps. I have a funny feeling for dinner we'll be tucking into a fine selection of Kettle crisps with various exotic flavours, all slightly crispless in texture.
I found teabags from 2001, whoch were dusted off and put back into the very far corner of what has been their home for the last 5 years. I now know they are there and will sleep in peace knowing of I am ever inclined to try orange flavoured green tea I don't have to pop to the nearest wholefood shop.
I also cleared the steps and paths of snow, as it is now icy having been there since Thursday, bleached the bathroom (an obsession of mine) and scrubbed the hallway floor. Hopefully that will end any preconceptions Grandma has when she returns like the Queen from a weekend at Balmoral, and stop her asking anything more of me. I am living under their roof until I sort my living arrangements out. This means many hours listening to various stimulating talks on winter walks, trips along the Leeds Liverpool canal or ailments, oh and the odd job.
Tomorrow I am cleaning the leaded windows. For the 3rd time in 8 months. This takes time, and guts. The ladders are steep and last time I did it I cut through the broadband cable - whilst multi tasking - cleaning the windows and pruning the climbing roses.

Friday, March 03, 2006

So Much to Say - So Little Time

Ok - I feel guilty - I have been too busy jetsetting and galavanting about the place to even give blogging a second thought. Mind you all my stars are telling me to write this week, so here I go.
I must say first and foremost how bloody cold is it in Yorkshire? I have been back since Tuesday night and have had to buy a jacket, and get my gran to sort out her old jumpers - just to stop my arms and bottom from going purple - It is so cold here - I cannot handle it.
Barcelona was not exactly tropical - But once the day got going one could wander around in a t-shirt - or camisetta to give it its Spanish name. OK I am gonna do a break down of the past week - I do not hink I have written for that long - well, not properly.

Friday 24th February - I was in Sitches, which is a little village about 45k's from BCN and is a known hang out for gay men, women too probably, but they did not interest me, hence I never noticed any lesbos. I went with Christina my mate from Spanish class, her mate from Wakefield, Yorks Rachael, her bloke Chris and 3 of their gay mates who are all trolly dollys for BA. It is ironic that I blogged about wanting a gay mate once I moved to SF - Then ended up in BCN and finding 3! Carlos was the only Spaniard - very well groomed, as they all were. His bloke Turnip (Paul) is from Maidstone, Kent and finally Ma Baker (Paul) from London, who was the mother figure, well, from what I could gather. Can I just say how lovely their eyebrows were? Amaizingly well plucked - some what expertly in my opinion, in fact I was a bit envious, I was bloody pleased that I had a go on my own brows with the old rusty tweezers I have managed to swirve past customs in 4 countries over the past 2 months. Put a girl to shame those gay guys, on the ball when it came to make up tips - Mind you, I do think Ma Baker's baby blue pashimina was a little OTT - for a Friday - Don't you think?

Just off for a fag...Excuse the pun

Ok - Where was I? Yeah, Sitches. We went for a lovely meal which ended with a large brandy and was only the beginning of a very merry evening of red wine and dancing. I was too drunk to take my make-up off when I got back to the villa, and that's a rarety these days - mind you I didn't bother last night - more on that later...

Christina and I took a long time to recover the next day, and ended up lounging around reading Hello, Ok and watching Coronation Street multi editions - I must say I quite enjoyed that part as I have not read any of that trash for a while, and as far as English TV goes, I cannot recal the last time I had the pleasure.

Saturday 25th Feb.

Back to Barcelona by train, whcih took 30 mis and was a scenic route - right along the edge of the Med. Siesta, face on then out with 2 mates from school, and my wonderful hosts Sarah and Jose. We went to a Gotic part of BCN to a place called Rubies. Which served up a nice burger and chips my mother would have found hard to match. Then Hotel Homm, for my second night of heavy drinking, this time Belvadeer vodka tonics (I know - that day has finally come when I ordered that weird mixer I always thought was reserved for grandmas and twats). I danced with a big guy for what seemed like a never ending version of Crazy In Love, I thought my heart was gonna come right out of my chest, I danced that hard. The guy was deffo a match for me, I grossly underestimated the staying power of a fatty, but with my boobs jiggling in his face, well, most Spaniards do find that their eyes are situated at roughly the same height of my mammories, especially when I am wearing heels, he managed to keep up with the serious ass shaking. Bed at 6am. Far too late for even Lancolm's Age Defying moisturiser to cope with. I needed a lot of sleep.

Sunday 26th Feb.

Out for an Itallian.

Monday 27th Feb.

I popped back to school to say farewell to my new buddies and my last cafe cortardo of the Spanish leg of my never ending holiday. Then took some rapid snaps of the city, bought Sarah a thank-you handbag, and ate my last Menu del dia, at a little spot I have had my eye on for a few weeks. Lovely food - 3 courses and a glass of vino tinto all for under 10 euros. Please do not get caught up in the Rambla's rip of tourist traps if you happen to visit BCN - Thre are so many cheap options if you dare venture off the usual places.

Tuesday 28th Feb.

Back to Blighty. I was pleased with my 33 euro one way ticket with EasyJet, however could not believe it when I had to pay 40 euros excess baggage! Can you believe that? I left SF with a weekend bag for Vancouver on Jan 15th and a mere month later I have accumilated enough luggage to warrant a fine at the airport. My toilet-bag weighed 2k's but even squashing that in with my hand luggage - of which the bloody handle snapped upon my arrival at Stanstead, could not stop the excess charge being implimented. I wish I could spell.

In duty free I treat myself to a bottle of Channel Mmms and was gob smacked at the price on that. I have always been fortunate enough to have my favourite scent bought for me by a man, not these days, I may have to revert back to the Old Spice for Women - Exclaimation - Boot's own. I cannot keep forking out for such luxuries especially as I am unemployed.

Back to Stanstead airport. It was snowing when the plane landed - not enough for them to turn round and take me back to BCN, which I would have liked, but enough to make me wish I had skis and my warm coat on, and enough to make me instantly hate the UK. I grabbed a double latte and headed for the train, whcih I had to take to Petterborough and then Leeds. I got in a bit of a stress as the caffeen went straight to my sweat glands and I started to sweat at the same time as being completley frozen bow-legged. There was an hour wait - so I rammed the trolley back up the 2 stories of the car park and proceeded to grab a very expensive sarni and read the paper. I had only got to page 15 when I was approached by an Indian fellow, who asked me if I wanted a coffee. Bloody cheek of it - I said I had paid nearly a year's salary (well, for some poor bastard in China) for a sarni and I was staying put until my train arrived - He said he was doing his job and I could not stay there all day. Who wants to sit in a Costa Coffee all friggin' day in an airport? I stood my ground and read right through to the sports section before legging it for my train. It was not all bad though - I somehow managed a 1st class seat, booking with trainline.com makes all the difference, so I was pampered all the way to Leeds.

Upon arrival in Leeds I struggled with the bags and through rush hour commuter traffic, got an other train to Keighley. Taxi from the station - in to the waiting arms of my beloved grandparents. And that's where I am now - Blogging from my granddad's office on a PC he has had for 5 years, and still has not managed to master interms of sending emails. Something I am sure I will get around to teaching him when I have a minute.

The update on the visa situation to grant me access to my wardrobe and life in San Francisco is that they cannot tell me if my papers have arrived from Canada, and they can give me an appoitment for an interview. However the interview will be terminated if the papers are not there - All a load of nonesense. I have emailed them and am waiting for a reply. If I get the B2 visa it will take approx 5 days - So I could be back in the States by the end of the month.

OK I am knackered, not funny and bored of talking about me - for a change so I bid you see thee - until next time.


PS It's started to snow here now - Bugger.