Friday, June 23, 2006


Hello - I am back again - Finally I have a minute to my self to make a note in my blog diary. I have been so busy for the past month as I have had a house guest, Helen over from London. It has been full on partying and entertaining which started at the beginning of the month with a camp out Harper stylee at my Mum's place in La Honda.
La Honda is famed for Ken Casey and his Merry Pranksters; he kidnapped, well bribed a bunch of hippies form Haight Ashbury to jump aboard an old school bus, take shit loads of acid and travel the country causing mayhem all in the name of science. Basically he drugged a load of the 1969 Summer Of Love guys and gals and conducted various tests on them - to see what would happen in certain situations while they were high on acid.
La Honda still homes some of these '70's throw backs and this all makes for an interesting trip to the famous Apple Jacks bar which is 3 mile North of Mum's house up Highway 84. Loads of Redwood trees, fishing holes, creeks and complete greenery not dissimilar to my homeland Yorkshire. That is the reason Mum likes the area so much hence moved there 6 years ago. She has 4 1/2 acres of land with a perfect spot for camping down "The Creek". I invited a bunch of guys (see I am Yanking it up big stylee) over for Helen's first weekend and we waded across the creek to a little island, pitched our tents and stayed there for the night - The BBQ and camp fire blazed all night and we all had a ball.
I am not gonna rant in my usual tone as I am absolutely knackered, but figured it was about time to quash all rumors I'd met my dream man, moved to Bali and am now living without any communication to the outside world with a Mojito in one hand and a preoccupation with the dream boy who is peeling grapes at my side. Feeding me and fanning me with an aptly shaped palm tree branch - Yeah one can dream.
I am still in San Fran, burning the candle at both ends - dating on and generally surviving of 5 hours sleep and the odd burrito. I must locate my nearest supermarket. Vegies and fruit are lacking in my diet. In fact I have eaten at home once in the past month - Hence the picture - See I can cook Yorkshires :-)
It has been mental having another woman in the flat. Even more weird sharing my bed for nearly a month. I am still clinging onto my teddy sleeping close to the wall - on my back fully utilizing my Tempurpedic pillow. By the way, the pillow, which I stole from my Mum's is so gorgeously comfy, I recommend you rush out and buy one now. This is the sole reason I can get away with 5 hours sleep. Fantastic.
Sad news on the home front - My Walter Mitty esq Granddad has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, which is causing a bit of concern, but at the same time endless hours of amusement. The latest one being he's hidden the jam so Grandma cannot scoff it. I wonder if it will be still in date when he finds it again?
It was 110 degrees f yesterday at work, and it made it hard to keep my eyes open on the way home. I fell asleep on all 3 modes of transport, and at the BART (underground) platform, much to the amusement of fellow passengers - especially as I had a skirt on - and fetal position is not too flattering while balancing on a concrete bench with metal stoppers to prevent skate boarders from grinding on it. This heat is almost unbearable.
I have missed all 3 England Football matches, which is not good - They are on at stupid o'clock, and work doesn't seem to holt to a stop for the World Cup so I have been a little perturbed to say the least - Looking forward to a 7 am start on Sunday in my local British pub, The Mad Dog In The Fog. Come on Eng-er-land.
Ok I am off for now, I wont make any promises to write soon with more fun and frolics from San Francisco. But all I can say for sure I will be having a ball.
I hope the sun is shining where you are.
Jo x

1 comment:

Sarah x said...

Get some bloody sleep girl! That party head of yours will start to wilt. Don't you remember the siesta method we taught you in Barcelona?! You are in at 5.30pm - plenty of time for another 2 hours before you go out.

Love you

S xx