Thursday, July 06, 2006

Time hi h hime is on my side - yes it is

Bugger me - well, don't , well, wait 'till I am dead 1st. Yes I am still breathing the smoggy foggy air of one of the most beautiful and cosmopolitan cities in the world. San Francisco has been awash with foreign folk - well, since probably colonlisation - but I'd say I have noticed it since the World Cup started.

Yeah - yeah - yeah - we were absolutly shite - AND I am not gonna waste my time trying to defend England's absolutly pants performance over the past few weeks - All I can really say now is that I hope Italy win and with that win bringeth a plethora of hunky single Italian men to the bars in North Beach on Sunday - Note to me - no plans only sharking in various street side cafes all day - with a blue t-shirt for good measures and a canny grin upon face.

So what have you lot been up to? I should know because my inbox has been getting rather full of friends asking how the hell am I since blogging has been on a back burner yet again. I must say writing down all the nitty gritties would have even the naughtiest of you blushing. I have been razzing it up frequently - Not only due to the arrival of summer in California (in case you forgot where I reside) but just because I can really. Mind you after getting my credit card bill this month I think I am gonna have to put a lid on my newly acquired shopping addiction, especially my strange fettish for all things thong like - knickers and flip flops - It is about time I realised all the colours in the rainbow are not a necessity for summer foot fashion, and if all truth be known I am still clinging onto my Ugg boot wearing craze. Sheer comfort and the fitting in with the crowd element wins hands down, well someone has to give the homeless some competition.

I must admit to another addiction right here - right now - Gosh I feel like I am introducing myself to the first session of a 12 steps programme. I am hooked on

Laugh you may at some of my solicitation tacticts on the internet - Well my dears I cannot stop - I have had to knock emailing on the head in working hours - and when I am not at work I am too busy dating to catch up. I am getting 30 hits a day - over 6,000 blokes have read my profile and 5,999 have dated me!!! OK - Well, not too far from the truth. I just can't get enough in the words of Marc Boland - or was it Nolan??

I have dated a Lawyer, a Pediatrician, an Accountant, a Limo company owner, an Author, a Cop, a Piolot and a Power Ranger. Now there is a whole load of blogging to be done on this subject alone - but I am saving it for the book - I am supposed to be editing one said romance at the moment - but frankly am far to embarrassed to let my room mate Mike get his mitts on it (he's offered his editing skills - which amount to none but he's after some ammo)- for fear of banishing me to the looney bin instantly - Well, I do get a tad carried away at times. Don't I?

All this in search for true love. Well - It has to stop - I hav cancelled my subscription (for the 2nd time)and under the strict advice of my dear friend Leanne I am seeking out a plumber - Anyone know a good one?

Why didn't we win the World Cup?

So, I am trying to do something constructive with my time and have an interview with a Mentor programme on Tuesday - Ironic innit? Don't think I will be giving the guys my blog address during the meeting. Let's hope I can find something a little more constructive and worthwhole to do in my spare time. And you never know what is just around the corner...

Laugh at my spelling all you want - I am off on a date and have no time to spell check ;-)

1 comment:

Rach said...

Cos england is crap!!! And boy oh boy...comes to mind first!!!! Email me your address huny...i can put a sausage in the mail for you....! Enjoy dating!!!