Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Flu Pooh

Hello - I am sick. Yeah, yeah I know what the comments are already. Not in the head, you know physically, feather up the nose, cheese grater in the throat, elephant on head type of sick. Ill to you Brits, sick to my neighbourley Yankie Doodle Dandies.
I moved on Friday and have not unpacked yet. I stayed in bed feeling sorry for myself all day and even my Mother, who now lives a mere 30 miles from my house as opposed to 6.5 thousand miles did not even bother to come and visit with home comforts. A hug would have done. Maybe the menapause stops one feeing any form of compassion. I don't actually recall her approaching me for a hug in the past few years. I usually have to rugby tackle her for a snuggle.
It is shite being ill on your own in a foreign country, cann't even speak to my girlies in Europe due to the seeming unfair, conspiracy against Jo eight hour time difference. It is times like this when you feel a tingle of homesickness.
It is my man's fault I have the lurgy, and yes he knows it. He is still recovering from a three day off-sick-a-thon and had to work a silly 24 hour day with 3 hours for dinner, so I reckon he has it a wee bit tougher than me. But I am a girl, and going against all my independent woman traits, I do love a bit of sympathy when I cannot even manage a cigarette. I suppose it's not a bad thing I have not had a fag in 4 days or more, maybe I could finally quit. Watch this space.
I am sat in my newly built local library, which is utterly brilliant. There are over 100 PC stations all with 20" screens and a 2 hour minimum, no booking bollox time slot. Much different to librarys in England, where there is a Hitler type of elederly volunteer gleefully telling you that you can use PC number 2 for 5 seconds befor a bunch of school kids take over to play a Grand Tarismo tournament. Also one can take out 50 items at a time, including free DVD's CD's and the latest Mags. I am impressed. However there seems to be the same noise policy as there is in the cinema here. Basically shouting on your mobile phone is OK, in fact I would say you could have a confrence call in here and no one would bat an eyelid. I Pods seem to be attached to the ears of any kid 6 months and up; I am sure the volume set so loud will eventually burst their little precious ear drums. Does this mean we will all be shouting at each other in the next 30 years, even if we don't have old-age as an excuse? I wonder...
I am impressed with this place and it was a toss up between joining here or the gym tonight. Don't think an hour listening to pumped up twat in a leotard telling me about the various body busting machines I'm never gonna use would have been half the fun.
OK better get off - hopefully to get a but of sympathy for my sniffly nose and annoying cough.
I miss you all and really do hope you are feeling well.

1 comment:

Russell CJ Duffy said...

sorry to correct you miss panty p but us brits do NOT become ill, certainly not with a cold, but rather we become 'unwell'. please remember to use a certain decorum when entertaing and staying in one of our colonies. stiff upper wotsits and all!

mind you you upper wotsits never seemed very stiff did they?