Friday, September 08, 2006

Moving House

Long time no contact, but I am a lazy dog. With far too much to do than sit around and blog. Not that I don't love ya, love writing or love wasting valuable work time, guess it's the new boyfriend taking up all my time ;-) Hello Charles.
I am moving from the not so clean South of Market neighborhood in San Francisco, farewell to my lovely roomie Mike and his adorable dog Frida and the girls (cats) Fatty and Retardo. I am not sure if I will see the girls to say goodbye properly since they have been banished to the outerwilderness which lays in wait beyond the back door, all because they insisted on lounging around on the new sofa all day. What is a cat supposed to do? Apparently a mouse has been half eaten and our friendly neighborhood rat Roland has been seen carrying a spotted hankie on a stick. So it's all about the circle of life, and today my cycle into complete dementia is turning a new trajectory. I am moving to the 'burbs. To San Mateo. Which is the 1st place my Mother lived when she moved out here in 1989.
I have a studio room, so a big garage with beamed ceilings and a separate loo and sink. Then I have access to the main house where my new roomie Annie lives.
It will be a change for me living with a girl. Let's just say it's best I am in my self contained unit for what will probably be most of the evening as the last time I shared with a girl, Danielle it ended in disaster all over a ripped skirt and a missing earring. Or was it because she was insanely jealous of my new squeeze at the time, or just something to do with the walls being ice cream cone thin? Anyway I have not lived with another female for at least 8 years. My that is a long time, did not realise until I started doing the math.
Can you believe it is September? Which means another birthday is looming, always seems a depressing thought when one's single, selfish and solito (thought I'd throw a bit of Spanish in for the 3rd s, just so you know I have not lost the nack). Anyway I need not worry about another birthday alone. As I have already mentioned I am 'going steady' with an extremely lovely gentleman. He is in computers, like 40% of the population in NorCal, works in SF and lives in Daily City. Which for those of you who don't already know is probably the most foggy place I have ever been to, and I grew up near the Yorkshire Moors.
The relationship is heading in the direction I am in favour of, which makes a refreshing change, but as always I will say no more just In case AmericanPsycho tendencies rear their ugly head. You can never bee too careful. Obviously being absolutely careless for the past 31 years makes me qualified to spout such words of wisdom. He is helping me move in fact, so I know he's a glutton for punishment - will do for me then!
It is really warm here still, though I'd throw that in for you lot in the UK. What's the score with Blair then? Did you hear about Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter/Saver Extrodinnaire - OK that's as far as my tribute goes. We all know he was a complete and utter freak. End of.
Hummmmm, what more can I tell you?
Oh yeah, I am looking forward to my mate Mike popping across the Altantic to see me in October, and also my mate Vickie is popping over to, with her family, on a road trip. They will be swinging the Winnebago through San Fran so I am looking forward to seeing them all. I like the odd visitor. Not too many though - don't start booking en mass. I am sure I will have lots of pics from their trips, sop I will keep you posted.
Until then, don't swim with a stingray, and don't shove your tongue as far as you possibly can down Bush's pants, you will end up dead or wishing you were.

1 comment:

Russell CJ Duffy said...

not so hot over here as it was, maybe 25 to 28. still warm and muggy. everyone is enjoying the sudden med feel!!

blair? blair? better class of wanker than bush!