Thursday, August 16, 2007

Summer Update

Sara, Bonnie, T and Franzine in Kilowatt last Friday
Matt and Me on Berkley University Campus (I cannot turn it round)
Me and Dianne last Sat at the Greek Theatre, Berkley.
Me and Matt growling.
More growlers ( for the hats)

Well, well, well....Doesn't time fly when the sun is out, the humming birds are flitting about and the trees are looking their most glorious? Yeah, Summer in the Peninsula rocks here in California. I cannot say it is too hot in San Francisco (Leanne pack a sweater or two for your October visit please), the fog caused by the two water masses the Bay and the Pacific put pay to anyone within 3 miles of San Francisco getting a view due to the thick band of fog which hovers over the city most days. It does leave at noon ish - only to make a speedy return round about 5 pm. Well, this does not effect Juanita Banana (me - that's my Spanish/Mexican Name).
So, I got a home for Milo my pussy, he is very settled and his new Mummy sends me weekly updates on his welfare - Apparently it took her a few weeks to tell Milo that even though Mummy Juanita let the poor declawed bugger out the house - New Mummy (or should I say Mommy ?) was not going to be so wicked. Poor thing. Anyway - good deed for the month done. Funny though - I am house sitting for my Mum at the moment and a strange dopg turned up - Must have a touch of the old Dr Doolittle in me. Shame I did not have the same effect on men (when I was single of course).

I have a friend from my home town of Keighley, West Yorkshire UK staying with me - Dianne - Bless her - she has been a laugh and it has been great seeing a lass with the same background, circle of childhood mates and sense of humour - I am beginning to decide to halt all one liners in the USA 'cause there's only Matt (my man) who understands and laughs appropriately at them.

So, typical San Fran sight seeing tours for the benefit of Dianne - all with a twist, as she is gay - hence a very eye opening visit to the Cat Club (I think renaming it the Pussy Palace would be a good idea) last Friday and a long awaited trip to Hooters - a food joint with lovely looking ladies of the big boobed variety, all harmless fun of course, just got to get to a strip club and then I think Dianne will have had her share of window shopping ;-)
I went to Berkley University's Greek Theatre last Sat with Matt and Dianne, I will post some pics for you to laugh at. We saw a few bands at the 'Summer Haze' gig, drank a few beers and hung out, then popped into the world's greatest burger place In and Out for a late night snackidge (bollox to the diet). Oh yeah I am on a diet and my belly is still the same, but my tits have disappeared to nothing - so much so in fact one is terribly scarred of going into Victoria Secrets for fear of them referring me to the training bra section!!! Pooh.
The diet is just me stopping eating out and consuming vast amounts of Maple Syrup soaked carbohydrate items at two-hourly intervals - Did not take me long to adapt to this consumer driven demanding society did it? So just keeping a check on it.

I have just heard my best friend Leanne from Uni is coming with Ritch her hubby on Oct 6th for a week, and Matt booked us 10 days in Maui so lots to look forward to in October - Just don't mention Christmas yet eh?

OK have to go, pick Dianne up from the train, get bottleds of water from old job, go to Ross Dress for Less - just in case they got a new shipment in, drive 30 miles to Mum's oh, that is after stopping at the pub for a few - Then to Mum's cook for 3, feed 50 cats and 3 dogs - THEN I may watch TV for a change.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Bonjour, I love reading your blog, because I wonder to myself do you have time to a. work or b sleep????
It makes me smile!!!
I am glad you keep up the blogging, I am not swayed by facebook or anything like that!!!
Keep happy, chat soonish!!!