Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Well, where do I start?
I am going to tell you about this rather self gratifying start to my week. I know it is Wednesday but for me, being a part timer in the work force of late, who cares what day it is? Today is my Monday for this week anyway.
I have recently been accepted on, I am not sure if I have created this link sucessfully I could surprise myself here. If you can not use the link you know what to do.... No not shove it up your bottom - Just search baby search. Ok back to the point.
This is a sort of dating service on line, not one like eharmony where you have to fill in an extensive questionnaire which eventually after four hours tells you your worse fears ie. you are not suited to anyone other than Charles Manson. Where you type in your intimate statistics and keep them under wraps for future reference until you decide ten emails between you and a complete psycomaniac is sufficient to let him know you a seniour citizen, bancrupt and had a failed sex change some 20 years ago. No no no. Beautiful People.Com lets it all hang out. There are no limits to what you can tell your perspective life time sole mate. Your income, weight (mind you, they are generous on that. Between 140 and 300lbs is the tick box - lotta scope don't ya think?), wether you live in a mansion, loft apartment, penthouse or project! (UK readers:project = worse than a council house). You do actually have a choice whether to disclose your earnings and the material aspects of your life, but with a web site called beautiful people don't you just know most will tell all? That is soley based on the fact that beautiful people entering a site namidly so are in fact vain.
I will stand up for some of us exclusive members because we are not all vein are we? What are we then?
The psychology of this concept is very mind stimulating. The main premis for you getting accepted on the site is that you are considered beautiful enough to get voted in by existing members. So you have to post a picture*. It is all very superficial, as the wonders of modern technology can probably super impose your face on to let's say J Lo's body.
A brief description of your unique selling points and your aims, goals and wants in life can be added to the profile (I just gave this blog address and then I know they are psycho if they continue communication!). Most men however tend to write that they are looking for that special someone in their life who will share all their sucess at being drop dead gorgeous and accompany them on their worldly travels. It is actually on the same wave length of the Miss World monalogue. You know the one - I wanna be happy, help sick kids and jet set around the globe. May be they should put WANTED VAIN BIATCH WHO WILL STROKE MY EGO AS MUCH AS I'LL STROKE HERS.
Maybe, just maybe I am being a little synical. I have after all been voted in and am just sorry for you ugly people who don't have a cat in hell's chance of becoming a member. No seriously, I am interested in this internet chat/communication senario. Even us beautiful people are to busy or self obsessed to trapes through endless pubs and clubs to find that Mr Right. And in this quest why not just elliminate all the pig ugly fuckers! ;)

*Please note a cleavage shot eventually got me voted in - My full length beach body shot did not, however I am half woman half horse after all!)

1 comment:

Russell CJ Duffy said...

hey sexy,
more questions are now with you.
answer 'em quick girl cos i wanna publish.