Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Dermalogica Facial

Hello - I know I have to finish the Debagging post - However the story ends with me unexpectedly exposing my pants to a gang of twenty 15 year olds - So I am sure none of you are interested!
There are more important issues to blog on about today and I must say I feel that I have missed years of blissful gorgeousness by means of facials just by not having the savvy to go and get one.
It is not hard - It was however a special 20% off offer at my local hair salon Aphrodite (pronounce like "Miss Dynamiteee" for full effect) which lured me onto the beauticians couch. That, paired with four, yes four zits on my chin; which is four more than I have ever had the pleasure of wearing in my life, is what made me rush along the high street and book my self in.
I must say my friend Sarah has mentioned these extravagance before but did not exaggerate the fact that they were an essential part of a ladies life at our age. I will be reprimanding her for not handcuffing me to her fake Prada handbag and dragging me down to her old local spa haunt Harvey Nicks. All I kept thinking of was calling my mother and demanding she had one NOW, bless her I have inherited the constant face muscle tension from her and feel that it would decelerate the aging process if she immediately dropped everything (like feeding her 20 odd cats) and get into the city to have a facial MOT.
How refreshing it was to be massaged - face neck and collar bones, the latter region stirred up some sexual tension however, and I was already planning my next move... Bag a guy who has beautician qualifications. Foreplay would never be the same again, mind you I am off to San Fran for 3 months, maybe there will be plenty of guys with such attributes on their CV's; however, to find one who ticks the hetrosexual box too could prove difficult.
I was laying down with my shirt off, bra straps to the sides and hair wrapped up in some sort of bandanna and the fun began. A simple cleansing, scrubbing, massage then scrubbing, essential oils, lemon grass if I am not mistaken and massage. The finale was a slapping on of thick gooey moisturiser on the face and some lighter but equally stickey stuff on the eyes, massage then I was left to relax for about 10 mins.
This was the hard bit. I find if very difficult to relax as I am a bit hyper to say the least. Thoughts that came flashing in front of my moisture laden eyes were, get the sofa for sale add up in the PO, what exactly could I make for dinner using an aubergine? And how many cats exactly does my mother have? By the time all these thoughts had cumulated into a big blob of blue light gyrating in front of my eyes, there was a big light and "right that will be £30 please".
So there you have it £30 worth it I must say, but I still have no idea what to do with a aubergineen? Any suggestions please send a stamped addressed postcard.

1 comment:

Jo Harper said...

No extra additions to the zit count. Mind you I failed to mention my 1st ever eyebrow waxing on the same trip to the beauticians. I was upset to get home and realise upon full inspection one was shorter than the other!
Sat night was funny I would love to Blog about it but there's a bit of juice you will have to hear over the phone only!