Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Four Countries in Ten Days


Well the long awaited update of my goings ons since I was denyed entry into the soding States. I am actually living at my best friend Sarah's in Barcelona. She offered for me to come and stay for a while until I got sorted visa wise. Which was grand indeed. Well, a friend in need and all that jazz.

What a palava? I flew into Heathrow on Thursday. I eventually got a $700 flight instead of the $3,000 British Airways tried to flog me. Cheek of it, they see a damsil in distress and try to bleed her dry of every last cent! Please excuse any American or Spanishisms, my head is obviously a bit skew-wiff after visiting 4 countries in only 10 days!

USA (San Francisco) - Friday 13th Jan (should have bloody known)
Canada(Vancouver) - Friday 13th Jan - Wednesday 18th
England(London & Leeds) - Thursday 19th - Monday 23rd
Spain (Barcelona) Monday 23rd - Present day.

I have since had several marriage proposals from my Internet dating pals, not much use though because a wedding in the UK would mean that I would have to stay in the cold for two years ie live in the UK. Well, that's what I think, maybe the law has changed? Anyway I would seriously consider marrying for a Green Card. I would pay up to $5k for the pleasure, it would saveme all of the moving about every 90 days. Mind you, when I do eventually get back into my adopted home I am not risking any thing next time. I will stay put until I get a green card. I will not risk this again.

Sarah has just asked me to be bridesmaid at her July 22nd wedding in Harrogate, Yorkshire. I have of course accepted, I am honoured, I would love it. It will be dificult getting in and out of the States if I do ever get back in so I have told her I will have to stay there if I do get back in, thus causing all sorts of dilemas and dramas. Who knows I could still be this side of the pond in 6 months anyway.

I will now try and explain the whole sinario regarding this misfortunate trip around the globe...

I was staying in San Francisco on a 90 day Waiver Visa, and pressumed that I could leave the country after 90 days, then come back and get a new Waiver Visa. So a trip to Vancouver it was. I should have however gone to the Caribbean as initially intended then I would have deffinately been allowed re-entry. As the Caribbean is classed as a seperate country from the USA where as Canada and Meico are not! Since they boarder the USA they are not a seperate country, so when I tried to get back over the boarder (at Vancouver customs) I had actually overstayed the visa I had by 2 days (it ran out on January 15th). Bastard.

I tried to keep my cool during my brief flirtation with the law, a few anger driven tears dripped methodically down my right cheek (well, did not want to mess my mascara up on both eyes!), I sobbed when thinking of my poor mother having to empty my belongings out of my lodgings in SanFran. and jigged my sholders about a bit, in conjunction with the tears. None of this worked, however the Mexican woman at boarder control was gutted for me, she said she knew exactly how I felt (I bet she bloody did). Her supervisor was not so sympathetic.
In fact when he had to explain why Canada was not a country in the eyes of Immigration, an explaination which baffled all listening and would never have made any sense even if George Bush had have tried to explain it! Talking of whom, I had to look at his smug little head when I was being dressed down (big picture of the twat on wall). The Supervisor said "these visas are for people visiting Disney Land Mam, NOT for people wanting to reside near their family". So that told me.

He also informed me that it would not be a problem getting a B2 visa - It would take 5 working days, that all sounded convincing. So I signed a paper stating I was totally unaware of the law regarding this visa, that Canada was not a country (I do not agree but it was better than spending a night in a cell), then promptly dashed out into the foyer of Vancouver airport and started to bawl my eyes out!
I was crying at the thought of staying a night in the aorport, incurring silly costs and not seeing my mum in the distant future.

So here I am - Spain again. I was only visiting saying Sarah and Jose 12 weeks ago. Anyway, nowt I can do now. Keep buggering on I suppose.

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