Monday, January 16, 2006

They Do Not Pronounce Their S'S IN Vancouver

Get it?Well, it is raining hard in Vancouver. I am soaked to the bone, and need to warm up - So I am Blogging away like a loon trying to get my dainty little fingers all warm and cosy again!I have been a lazy bugger today. I was woken up by the maid at 8.30 am, which pee'd me off to no end, because it has become clear in my adult life than a lie in is not something I will ever truly feel the benefit of. I can never manage to lay in bed all morning without having a guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach. This morning I felt I deserved it, after all I am on holiday, and my inner thigh bone - You know the one near your privates, is absolutely killing me after a strenuous day on the bike yesterday. Definitely out of practice in the legs akimbo department! Must get round to sorting that out!I have been to China Town for a late luncheon of noodles Singapore style - Bit of curry powder will warm the old cockles up on a day such as this. Then went to the Dr.Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. That reminds me - I have to eat sushi before I go, it has been highly recommended. This trip was so wet and dark, by the time I'd eaten it was 4.30pm. So the gardens were dank, gloomy and without much florna anf flora to admire due to the season. However I did manage to get lost while wandering through various pagodas and over tiny little bridges. I ended up in the compost heap, a bit premature though - Well Psychic Bianca said I was gonna live to a healthy 80/90. Good guess Batman isn't that the average age we are expected to depart the planet these days?I met two women in the hot tub last night (did I mention I am staying in a suave 4 * hotel), and realised how so many people do not get to travel outside there own back yards. It is crazy but they were Canadians and were going 80 miles to take a holiday. You know we are really lucky us Europeans, with the advent of Easy Jet we can get our arses out of the country in the time it takes these guys to drive down to their nearest big city. They thought I was so brave traveling alone.

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