Monday, January 30, 2006

Missing This

Hello my dear Blogeristas,
How goes it? I wanted to post this picture which was only taken the other week. Yeah, before I became a terrorist threat to my dear and beloved host nation.
I miss the bridge how can one not?
I took this while driving from a friend's to work on a Friday morning, not my usual route into the ofice, but one well worth the additional 30 minute drive. It was taken on my Casio Exlim 5mmp extra suave camera - while I ws doing 60 mph. Pretty impressive eh? Anti shake function working overtime I feel, well worth the extra dollars. I can not however post any pics of my Vancouver trip or any from here in Barcelona as I left my charger at home - Silly me thinking I'd get back inthe door to plug it in before the batteries ran out forever.
Well, due to the wonders of technology I emailed my dear Mother and asked her to send me the dicking station via snail mail - With the Spanish postal service I will probably get it by the time they have invented a cameea which can take pictures without human aid and recharge itself thorough voice command.
A bit about my 1st Spanish weekend. Jose and Sarah took me for dinner with their friends and I had meat for the 1st time in a week. Living with Sarah means vegi-cooking, well, not strickty for me, but it seems daft to make two lots of dinners. So off I went into a meat n greet. Lots of very difficult to remember Spanish names to learn and pleanty of dead animals to devour. I had a Cattalonian specialty of stuffed squid, and a few duck thights with a chocolate sauce. The latter sounds gross, and it was not too hot, never mind at least it helped soak up the vino tinto (red wine for those who have not just took part in their 1st intensive Spanish lesson). This feast took place at 11pm - I am going to have to get used to this - Mind you getting up at noon and having brunch at 4pm aided me when staving off the hunger pains.
Then it was club time. Well, after a house party which consisted of a lot of student types and 3 CD's! Yeah - Jose and his friend Silvia decided since I was away from San Francisco a gay club would be just what I needed. Hummmmmmmm... I did have a fantastic boogie with a dwarf called Oscar, he was very impressed with my Madonna Impression. What is with her new video by the way?
Oh, have you all rushed our and bought the Arctic Monkeys CD? I do not usually go on about tunes on this blog - but it is well worth a mention - Amazon-it now.
Ok have to learn lots of vocab for test tomorrow. I must say I feel quiety confident about these Spanish classes. I know more than I like to portrey, in fact I surprised myself!
Juanitta Banana (new name here as Jo sounds like Ho - and THAT would not do my rep any good)
PS No spell check - I know I am crap, but why? Oh why can't I get a PC with spell check just once - go on - let something go my way for a change.

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