Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Rocky Start to The Week

Well, well well - She's back and fighting fit - I have to tell you about my rock climbing experience at the Touchstone Mission Cliffs in San Francisco last night. I was on a date and a very touch feely date it was - All that harness strapping, tying up - I mean off and of course the super sleek sports bra and shiny lycra leggings - Purchased only hours before at my favourite city store Ross Dress For Less. Any excuse to purchase more clothes that won't fit into my ever increasing wardrobe. That reminds me I must buy a car soon - I need to purchase a chest of drawers and I would need a vehicle to get it home in! Now to some of you, that seems like rather an extravigant purchase for the sake of a set of drawers; but something I need to get soon. My 2 hour each way commute is wearing a bit thin now and the most painful part of the 40 mile journey by bus, train and shuttle bus is avoiding all the morning smilers which seem to be as much a part of this place as Alkatraz.
Back to the climbing. I knew I would have no fear, well, except that of breaking a finger nail, and I was right - I listened intently, remembering the waiver form I'd just signed and noting the very limited holiday insurance I purchased just before my rafting weekend, which is actually null and void as I am residing here not holidaying. My date - who shall remain nameless - he knows who he is,is very experienced in the rock climbing department - Mind you's he'd have to be used to manouvering mountains if he is gonna hang with me! Yes - The boys are still in town even though my recent 14lb weight loss reduced the puppies to only a D-Cup.
I quickly progressed from a 5.0 to a 5.4 - (I think that's the classification). I learned how to put one foot on top of the other and quickly move the bottom one whilst keeping a hold on the rock face and looking good :-), this action has a name I forget but I am sure I can incorporate it into one of my dance moves none the less. I will have to get bck to you on the specifics.
The boulders looked interesting, no ropes required and a lot of body bending, grunting and contemplation. Sounds like many a Saturday night I know. I ned a lot of pratice before I'd consider or be allowed to scale one of those beauties. It was whilst watching my man do his stuff on them I decided a 20 minute intensive up hill bike ride was a good idea. My face went beetroot in approximately 2 minutes and I had a very sweaty tummy - You go girl. Walking down to the steps to the water fountain was an experience after it I can tell you.
A trip for tapas down the Mission was a splendid end to the evening, even though I managed 3 bits of calamari and 1/2 a quesedia - you know not wanting to pile on the 300 calories I'd just broken my back to burn off!
So there you go, another Harper 1st - I loved it.
Appologies for spell check absence - What is it with this PC?


Rach said...

hey hun, looking good and sounding good. I am happy tht you are getting yourself sorted and starting to settle in, to what sounds like the normal life. Get that car, and get on with it!! Just and I have got a year left then going home....yay!!!
Keep smiling and Mr Right will turn up. Love you Rach ps: there is a northern girl on bb....she sounds like you....and she is funny....

Anonymous said...

what's going on is this becoming a monthly blogging site. When you worked for me you didn't stop gassing Jo Jo

Russell CJ Duffy said...

i'd like to believe that annoymous is either ian page, bachar antououi, linda bosch or john norman. how come i don't think so?
question then has to be...who the fuck is annonymous?
could be one of the howard's i suppose or maybe some garden enthusiast.

Rach said...

to answer your question...I am working lots on London and loving it!!!
Just and I are good!!!
I will email you one day!!!