Monday, February 07, 2005

It Stinks

Ok I am apologising yet again for the spelling mistakes in this post. I cannot seem to fathom the spell check - Well, Salvador does not facilitate such luxuries, so I will be checking and amending as soon as I reach civilisation. Which is not too far away, praise the Lord as it is raining again and it really does stink here. There are rumored to be about 2 million people in the area for carnival and I have only seen 10 portaloos to date so the picturesque roadsides in this historical center seem to be the only place for grown men to relieve themselves. This is not a generalisation, I am not being sexist, all women know we would do anything to avoid such public defecation (is that a word - I am sure spell check would have helped me out here). Yes, we women know that sometimes you even have to buy a sarni just so you can use some little cafe´s toilet. I have been in and out of these cafes for a few days now, and they are dirtier than the streets in some instances, perhaps the men are right. I am not happy about not being able to wear flip flops in this pee strewn city, especially since it is now hammering it down and the streets are home to rivers of unrine please get me back to civilisation.
We are in the historic centre again, we do like to revisit our favorite haunts. Last night´s dinner made us want to come back, even though the service was poor the onion soup made a lasting impression. The net cafe we are in is in a sort of religious centre, Sister Pascal´s picture is hanging above my head and there are notices stating ´´Proibido sites pornografico´´ dotted about. The toilets in here smell as bad as a sewage reprocessing plant and I have just deleted a whole posting in my dash for said loos, so am not in the best of moods.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and being a staunch Catholic girl I am giving up ash - IE smoking,(isn´t that what you are supposed to give up for Lent?) The dreaded weed will be no longer my lips best buddy. As I am not really a practicing Catholic some may know this ( no names mentioned) and I am a smoker why the sudden decision to quit, for 6 weeks?
Well, it has absolutely nowt to do with the tens of youths who seem to preach to me about the habit on a daily basis. I try to explain in broken Spanish that I have no dependents and I quite like the idea of spending my last days in a box, afterall they would be otherwise spent in an old person´s home dead or shouting ``nurse`` for hours just cause I wanted jam instead of marmalade on my cold toast. No it is not this intrusion of my life´s decision to satisfy every waking hour with at least one cancerous stick of pouting pleasure.
It is the harsh colour photos which occupy the entire pack of cigs in this country. Even though they are about 15 pence a pack here which does not stop everyone blagging them off you, they seem to have it sussed with the old shock tactics. This is my main reason for quitting, I am using Lent as a cover up.
I have seen a few pictures such as a little girl in the back of a car with inhaler in her mouth, a gammy leg and a dead rat and cockroach. One of the questions which I must ask myself is why the Mayor of London has not been informed of such a revolution? If smoking is so bad for rats why on earth doesn´t he do something about the fact that when in London you are never less than 3 foot away from a one? Ken Livingstone, get your arse to Brazil, stock up on duty frees and get the rats hooked. Gotta be a lot cheaper than Rentakill.
Talking of rats, I cannot believe that I have not seen one here yet considering it is such a smelly pee-ridden place.
Gotta go for a fag now - one of the last for 6 weeks.

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