Sunday, January 15, 2006

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I am writing from Vancouver - It is 5 degrees c and I am freezing my tits off. However I can ignore this chilly fact as the city is one of the most pristine I have ever been to. It is gorgeous here.
You can not want for more - amazing skyscrapers - mostly apartments, with shiny mirrored glass facades, in many assortments of colours of the rainbow. There is a huge park on the tip of the city and the whole place has a back drop of wondrous snow capped mountains.
I am here for a few days so I can re-enter the USA with a new 90 day stamp in my passport - Keep wondering if they'll let me back though customs - if not I will be back in London Wednesday! I will have become acclimatized to the dreadful cold though - my hands are frozen now typing this.
Anyway I am staying in the heart of the Downtown area at the Sandman Hotel. It is very spacious and pleasant however somewhat cold. I had to wait for the cleaner to do my bed this am - so I could sneak back in and turn the heating back on. There is a pool (which I dare not visit - too cold), and a lovely cafe etc. I have not spent much time in here mind, I have been exploring the city. By bike. No that was not a typo - I have actually rented a bike out for the past 2 days and I must have done at least 6 miles today, just sauntering around the place. I have stopped a million times to take pics, I am sure they will bore the pants of you lot, however I will post some anyway, it's so pretty here. Stanley Park is amazing and it has a Beaver Lake. Did not spot any yet - but there were a few dads showing kids ring-necked ducks of some sort!
I have not seen a Moose to my disappointment. Nor anyone skating about with a long stick in hand.
I did go to a very small theatre to see a one man play called Thom Pain last night - Quite amusing, although the audience did not really laugh - Not getting irony or sarcasm must have been something the Canadians inherited from the Yanks! Any way, the funniest bit was in the bar after - when I was waiting for my cab - Weird I got the same one who dropped me off - by coincidence - but sooooo Vancouverish - Everyone knows everyone - village like in this respect. So now I have a cabbie friend - That's not the funny bit. The funny bit is after the show I was chatting in the bar, and one of the crew asked if I was something to do with The Festival. Being a graduate with a dual degree (PE/Drama Film and TV), of course I guessed that she was going on about the Edinburgh Festival. My sense of humour told me to lie and say "Yah Dahrling", but my moral standing meant I could not tell tales and admitted I was a lone tourist with nowt better to do on a Sat night.
I love being 31 - I would have never gone into a theatre on my own when I was a chicklett. In fact, upon reflection this is the first time I have been anywhere which involves sleeping alone for more than 1 night ever. I did house sit ince for an X at university - But York's hardly a foreign land is it? Well it would be to a Canadian I suppose. Anyway, I digress. The play was great, even though I did not have anyone to share my Crunchy bar with. Yeah they have Cadbury's bars here. AND they are the same as the ones at home. So I have stocked up and would not share the things even if I did have a friend here.
My arse is killing me by the way.
Must be saddle sore... Out of practice I guess!
When I returned my mountain bike yesterday I passed a Psychic's shop and went in. For $40 I was told that some fucker (sorry), yeah some twat has put a spell on me. My cards came out all black and dark and she reckons I have a few people who are jealous and have actually wished bad luck on me. I will have 1 child, although I should be married with 2 kids by now (due to the spell this has not come to fruition), my great grandmother is my angel and is always with me, I have been here before, well my sole has, and I will become preggers in 10 days, 10 months or 10 years. BUT I will not stay with the father - in fact I will never be lucky in love. So I may as well cancel my internet dating subscription then!
I was nearly crying when I came out, until I called mum and she said she'll reverse the spell 'cause she got a spell book for Xmas! So that's sorted then!!!!
She also said I am very kind, but never get any recognition, Sam was no good for me and not to even think about getting back with him, and that I smile always, but this hides more morose feelings. True. But not complaining.
It was all a pitch to get me to fork out a wedge for some candles and a sprig of basil, a 3 day healing programme to rid me of this bad luck inducing spell. I told her I believed in Karma and if I was as kind as she said surely one day my luck would change.
And it did! I walked 2 blocks down the road back to my hotel, and stumbled across The Amsterdam Cafe - Which had a huge neon leaf in the window. So I trotted in, well skipped actually and asked the coffee maker if it was REALLY like the Damage (Amsterdam) I love so much. No it was not, in short - Well even the ever the optimist inside me could not expect my luck to change so drasically in only 2 blocks. No purchasing of the herb just the "OK" to smoke it. Was the rule.
Well, I was not a local so did what I thought best. Joined a table of guys smoking a blunt and introduced my self as the new girl about town with nothing to smoke (poor me). I was seeing double and spouting off a load of old shite before the blunt came back round the circle. I like blunts - never had one - But they do not roll with tobacco here or in the States and I miss the cig bit - A blunt is a cigar leaf which you use like a Rizla and then just add pure weed. Tastes milder than a UK spliff but so much better than the shitty way the Californian's do it. You cannot get a hit off that stuff with out coughing your guts up.
I have been very naughty in Vancouver. I have smoked at least 2 cigs a day since I arrived. Can not kick it as easily as 1st presumed, I must apologies to my bestist Leanne as I have been giving her shit for sneaking the odd cig when I have been on the phone to her. She quits every Sunday! I have gone since the end of June I think it was - But back to square one now!
Anyway, what else can I tell you about Vancouver?
Oh, I may go and have a snow boarding lesson tomorrow. Not got the right attire really - Well, I suppose my parka will do for a coat - even though it's floor length at the tail. I need pants - Trousers - soz been in the USA for far too long - I don't even say knickers anymore, I say pants or underwear, lot easier - mind you shouldn't say owt really just get 'em off as quickly as possible, just in case he changes his mind! Sorry smutty thoughts - Missing my man o' the mo'. (no more on this).
Ok I am off before I say too much - my gob and fingers are running away with me. (does that sound rude?)
Wish me luck weatherwise for the snow boarding - It rained for 28 days in a row just before I arrived. They are gutted they did ot make the record - 29 days. Nutters.

1 comment:

Russell CJ Duffy said...

only you jo, only you. gob and fingers indeed!