Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dry Creek Valley - Healdsburg Wine Country

For some strange reason I cannot upload any pics of the weekend I just had up in wine country. I will however have a go later.

What a shock- Spring is here- Now this means 75 degrees f over here in California. But the effects are much the same as back home in Blighty. Gorgeous blossoms on the trees, daffodils, and hyacinths. I have seen a few croci (is that the plural I wonder?) but NO bluebells. I am assured that there are bluebells some where in the Redwood forests, I think they will be abundant just North of the Golden Gate Bridge (GGB) - I must put that on my list of things to do.
In the meantime I must tell you about the lovely weekend I just had- That is before this weekend comes and goes because I am sure there will be a few tales to tell from my pending Tahoe ski trip (oh I am so lucky).

We went about 60 miles North of the GGB to the Russian River Wine Road Barrel Tasting Event I am not sure if this link will work, it is my 1st attempt at putting in a link. A N Y way, the sun was blasting, the sky was as blue as a mulit saver Costco bottle of Lenor and I was cruising in Joy, my lovely WV Jetta, with the sun roof open and an array of my latest music was blasting- Note Athlete's new CD is the best- Track 3 is my favourite 'Corridors' (that is a guess at both track # and title - they don't call me Bubble at work for nothing you know).

It is the 1st time I have driven anywhere for a trip for ever and I like being at the wheel - Only because I get to say which CD goes in next. I am obsessed with music at the moment, and have great pleasure in being on my own just chilling at home. Will I become a music hermit? There is so much great stuff at the moment, how anyone has time for work is beyond me!

Back to the trip. The most amazing thing I saw was a wine cave. They keep the barrels under these little Teletubby-style hillocks with amazing little archways which you walk through, only to discover a warren of alleyways filled to the brim with barrels ready to emit the latest Cab Sav (hark at me) or Pinot Noir. We actually went to a region not known for my favourite red Pinot. However all the wine was lovely - in its final state I must add; one had to endure a few stages of the aging process before one received a thimble full of the bottle ready stuff. Matt bought a lovely Cab and we ended up necking that at the end of the day.

Definitely a must do once in your life time. However the limos with drunken college-types did not do much to promote the whole experience in my eyes. Maybe that's just because I am getting a little older, slowly!

Gotta cut this short, it has been in the edit stage for over a week, after many attempts at getting the pics up I still cannot fathom it out, I think the files are too big.

Oh someone told me Bush asked that the clocks be put back an hour three weeks early - so we are now only 7 hours behind the UK, and it is dark when one goes to the office. I am not sure where the rumor about Bush's influence came from , either my naivety or some publicity stunt to make some fucker like him ;-)

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