Monday, March 05, 2007

News Flash

OK, I have to let you know, I am wearing shorts, it is official, the sun returned to San Francisco after a very long and grueling winter...NOT.
Seriously it has been really cold here, I am so happy to finally throw off the cashmere and get my cut-off Abercrombie combats ($1, garage sale) on, just a shame that I did not have the time to shave my legs. I had a rough night, no time for that nonsense.
Yesterday was spent shopping with my Mother, who bought a new black 80 GB i-pod and $300 worth of CD's, for me to download on to my PC, so that she can have her ipod instantly loaded with lots of gorgeously new and shiny music. I have been adding stuff to my computer since October, relying on copies from Mum, friends in the UK and loaned disks from the library, so there is a lot to download. Most of which was not up to Mum's spec' so I ended up just adding her new stuff. This means we are all winners. I just gained the Smiths entire collection, and a lot of new stuff from home, which I must admit is making me a little homesick just listening to it. How I miss those chavs Jamie T is talking about!
The city was unusual in two ways, it was very quiet and rather hot. Hot enough for a vest top, but the cautionary sweater is always a must, and did end up getting popped on in the afternoon. We had lunch in Macy's cafe, and then could not resist the earring bargains as we passed the 50% off racks on the 1st floor. I bought three new ravishingly beautiful pairs. One touch my collar bone- so they may need soberness and a little scaffolding when I wear them, let's just say I will not be consuming too much alcohol when I have them on- With the weight on them I will end up in the gutter at a slightly earlier time than usual if I do ;-). I also got luck in Virgin, I scored a few 99 cent CD's some funny anthem Ibiza-type stuff, so I will be roller discoing it in my bedroom once again, just as soon as I have a spare few hours to down load all MY stuff!
It is so warm I am off on a picnic in Golden gate Park this evening, and perhaps a little kick around with a football, the round variety. I will pop into Trader Joe's (purveyors of perfect picnic fayre), get loads of ready made tasty treats, and a bottle of bubbly and get my bum up there as quickly as possible. I get off at 3.30pm and it is dark by 6 so it will be a mad rush. When do the clocks change?
Anyway- I have to get on with my work, just wanted to tell you how much easier it is to get up, throw on a pair of cut offs, and cruise on down the freeway to work in the morning. Could that be a song I wonder?
See Ya laters...Alligators (Jamie T you rock)

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