Friday, March 02, 2007

Snow Patrol Bill Graham SF March 1st 2007

Last night I drove up to the city with much gusto, which was unusual since I never did manage my usual hour long siesta. The reason for such excited school girl behaviour was that I was on my way to see one of my favourite bands. The Silversun Pickups. I have seen them four times now and they were supporting Snow Patrol along with OK Go at the Bill Graham Civic in San Francisco. I have had these tickets since November, and it was a sell out, well worth the $50 I paid ($15 of which went towards service and handling charges - I tell you, I wish I got paid that much for inserting paper in printer, pressing print, then retrieving printed ticket, popping it into an envelope and handing It over to disgruntled begrudging fan at 'will call' I would be able to buy a tour bus and gig with the fuckers myself!). Anyway, let's just say my pants were on fire, and I ain't no liar.
The journey up to San Francisco can be taken a few ways, but the fastest route is the 101, yes CHIPS patrol every inch of this freeway, and yes they do wear rounded scooter helmets, carry huge weapons of mass interruption (big tannoy voice enhancer devices- what are they called? You know, the ones the headmaster always used at school Sports day to make sure everyone had their eggs secured on their spoons). The traffic is not too bad and it's a 21 mile ride taking about 25 minutes. I set off in good time, found parking, which is a major feat in itself, and met my date for the evening.
Dinner followed with a glass of Red, I am favouring Pinot at the moment, still I have not found one which does not induce serious dehydration and sporadic urges to vomit the next day. Thai food, I think, not sure now but spicy prawns and some sort of egg plant chicken wrap in coconut milk were involved. So tasty in fact we completely lost track of time. It was 8.30pm by the time the bill was settled. Now I was under the impression that OK Go were on 1st, Silversun's then Snow Patrol, so the lack of promptness never thought to enter my head to be noted as a serious misjudgement and poor time management issue. But alas, I should have known. OK Go were screaming "How did you rate the Silversun Pick Ups?' just as we managed to swerve potential beer spillers, ie small wild and unruly 'Emo' kids. Emo's are some tribe of small folk who wear black, smoke spliffs and ride skateboards. I think. Some sort of sub breed of the original skater dude so frequently found wasting time on street corners. So sad faces all round, a few beers for commiseration and on with the show.
Snow Patrol kicked some arse. They sounded much better than the album, because the instruments were really electrifying. Unbelievable drums, bass and lead and the singing was spot on. The whole show was packaged in a lovely bundle of red and blue lights, which adorned the back of the stage. I think there was a bit of pyrotechnics involved but don't quote me on that. One lucky lady was invited onto the stage and she sang with the lead, she was amazing, but clearly shitting her pants. Well done Dawn. OK that was not her name, how the hell do you expect me to remember that? I cannot even recall the lead singer's name (what am I like, what am I like?).
Oh, how I miss UK TV by the way. My mind wanders.
The reason I see so much live music these days is mainly due to the fact I have not had a TV since I came to California back in October 2005. This is due to the complete and utter shite they have the audacity to transmit in this country. However I do read the trashy TV magazines my room mate Annie buys - by the ream. I have actually realised most of the tripe they serve up on a paper picnic plate here is actually a direct descendant from TV back home in the UK. Pop Idols, Dancing with the Stars (what IS that all about?) and Nannies, Mum's Dad's and Kids from Hell. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. What a load of codswallop (where does that word come from?). Did you know that Heather Mills Sir Paul McCartney's soon-to-be or probably is already x-wife (shows how much I know) is going to be 'starring' in the next Dancing With Stars here in the US? Who knows who she is I want to know? Knowing the softies in California she will win because they pity her. Well, if you read my blog you'll know how much pity she got from all at the Bonfire Night party at my Mum's house (we turned her into a 'guy' and burned her).
I must admit I have a very unhealthy addiction to youtube at the moment, in fact will probably have some self deprecating clip on there soon- I am considering a video blog, however don't know how long they will actually keep it up here, because I have noticed when looking through the archives on this blog, some of the photos I post have been deleted. Granted they were of naked gay granddads in noting but a dog chain and collar; living in San Francisco I see absolutely nothing wrong with that!

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