Tuesday, February 01, 2005

10 Things to Do In Rio In the Rain

1) Buy a nice pair of turn up 3/4 length jeans that make you feel like a new woman.
2) Buy 2 pairs of the oh so trendy, only available in Selfridges, London Havaianas flipflops in pink and black with Brazilian flag (for 3 quid each).
3) Try and buy cheapo underwear from Brazilian version of New Look, get really hot in the changing room because even though it is raining enough to keep a country the size of France in water for the next ten years, it is still 28 degrees F; then get disappointed as your new bra size is not available in any patterns you like and your best mate gets all the little cute bargain sets for herself.
4) Have a full-on pro pedicure with all the fancy instruments of dead hard skin torture for a mere 7 quid. (Mind you the actual painting could have been done better by Stevie Wonder).
5) Drink one of a plethora of juices - Just guess the names of them, this makes it much more interesting.
6) Write a Blog and thus spend shit loads of time in Dirty Net cafes, contracting a multitude of bugs, viruses (both types) and die of thirst due to the air con.*
7) Visit the Statue of Christ the Redeemer (did this on Sunday). Even though it is foggy and you cannot see the top of his head, you suddenly realise you have not been up there yet and you are off to Salvador for carnival on the 4th Feb.
8) Get lost in a Flavela - Slum place you are so warned about in all the books- This was not on my original list of things to do - however as we decided to hike back for over an hour from Christ the Redeemer, instead of getting the quaint little train we had a ticket for - just ´cause there was a break in the rain and it seemed like a great idea at the time.
9) Eat loads of weigh your own food for cheaper than McDonald's prices.
10) Learn Cee Lo Green and his Perfect Imperfections tracks 1-21 off by heart**, ***.

* Please can anyone elaborate as to why net cafes are called cafes? They do not sell cream teas, coffee or pop for that matter.
** I hope this one does not materialise we are due some sun please GOD! ihave mastered about 10 so far.
***Buy this album - Russell, since you are the only one to ever offer comment and you are the only one who is into tunes more than moi, make a purchase - He is a rapper from the South - a player - Shaggy, but fantastic!

1 comment:

Russell CJ Duffy said...

"Write the theme toon, sing the theme toon".

Cocaine Jesus (aka Russell)