Wednesday, February 09, 2005


That title got all the boys looking I bet!
Last night was the final night of madness in this torrential rain hit city. Sarah and I have been restricted on the amount of fun we could have simply due to the fact drinking has to be involved to get into the party spirit in this town and we have not had a chance to do so as we are like a living wonder of the world to the locals. Basically we stand out like a sore thumb and the blacks here can not help but stroke and harass us - thus we have remained sober to keep our wits about us. Very sensible I feel, especially since I am usually the party animal.
The rain has dampened our spirits - I am sure I have gone on enough about this, but honestly there is nothing to do here in the rain, except sleep. Sarah thinks with all the beauty sleep we have had we now look like teenagers again!
We were enjoying an afternoon nap yesterday when the buzzer to the apartment went - I answered it and it was Jose Manuel a 28 year old guy from Chile who we met on the flight to Salvador. His friends had gone out already as he had thought his flight to his next destination was in the am, but having got to the airport in a post samba stress the front desk informed him his flight was 24 hours later! So Jose was up for a night out with his English buddies.
We slapped on a bit of waterproof mascara and put on our hooded tops (1st time out of the rucksack in 5 weeks) and off we swam to the historic centre of town for the last night of carnival.
We had a few Capprihannas and got a wee bit tipsy, we did feel safer with a guy and did not get any of the usual strokes from the locals due to our chaperone being such a star.
In the pub I got chatting to a lad called Marlon (32) from Twickenham, but was distinctively Cockney to me. He was smoking a huge cigar and seemed like a laugh. His Spanish was from tapes he had back at his apartment - I asked him if the narrator was Michael Caine - his attempt at the lingo was hilarious (Marlon i]f u r reading this - nice try mate) He ended up at our table with another Chilean called Joel. He was a lawyer - we have encountered many on this trip. Either it is some sort of lie to catch out attention or Sarah just attracts them, since she is one herself. Anyway the party was on.
Joel asked if his ´friend´ could sit with us and we said sure - the more the merrier and all that. What he forgot to inform us was that she was a 15 year old (well, she looked it) local prostitute, and was his bit on the side for $40 for 2 nights! This shocked me and I was not prepared to entertain the idea, we were getting a few stares form the rest of the bar by this time. What was eve more shocking was when the pervert asked if I wanted to join them later! Yeah right. He got the wrath of Jo and tried to make a joke but I was having none of it and he soon left with his girl in tow.
This country is so poor, I could not believe how cheap it was to rent someone for such a small amount, it really did open my eyes. These people love westerners and many of them try anything to get out of this place.
we had a 9 year old kid begging for milk for his baby sister the other day, it was heart breaking, we helped him though and he was a little cutie. He said he was called Jackson, after somehow that would help his cause, well it did and it was humbling to know he was gonna go back with a weeks worth of powdered milk for the family.
There are loads of young pregnant girls walking the streets and the Favelas are just bits of cardboard with no protection from the elements, it just makes you think how lucky we are. It certainly puts a lot into perspective for me, and for lessons such as this I am truly grateful for the opportunity I have had coming to South America.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

To make spelling easy peasy, first write your blog onto Microsoft Word. Run Spell Check. If OK copy it and then paste it on blog.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

Having looked at the same old "prostitute" for the best part of a week isn't it about time we got to see something new from our favourite lass from Yorkshire?

I mean if you are going to transfix us poor old saps back here in blighty with tales of exotic climes and erotic encounters the least you could do is to keep us updated.

Of course, if you are at the moment climbing some snowy peak fighting howling hurricanes with biting blasts of icy freeze snapping at your heels, or wandering around some forest glade surrounded by hostile natives wearing nothing but paint daubed on their olive skins, or are deep in some forgotten South American Temple like a nothern variant of Angelina Jolie's Tomb Raider then I will forgive you otherwise, GET BLOGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!