Friday, September 14, 2007

WARNING: Contains Material Some May Squirm At

Hello Bloggeristas,

Hope all is well where e'r you may be. I have had a stressful week and wanted to get some of it off my ever diminishing chest (daren't even get the 'boys' measured as I fear they are smaller than my friend Sarah's - she is preggers though so maybe she is not really the one I should be comparing with). Let's just say I bought a child's bikini today from Ross - bargain at $3.50 plus 8.24% tax (which always gets me, still after living here two years, and visiting for at least 15 years).

Stress has reared it's ugly head in various ways, mostly to do with cash, which is ironic because one of the reasons that I came here to was dispel all previous beliefs that money means happiness. Well, lack of money surely does mean unhappiness, and it is due to being paid late on my wages and also a series of car malfunctions that I have got myself into a bit of a mess with the old finances.

I started my new job three months ago - which meant I had to purchase a car from my Step Dad, the one he'd so kindly provided me when I worked for him. Bargain price, but the 'check engine' light was illuminated, and had been for the 18 months prior to me buying it. It is a 2001 Jetta VW, which in this country means due it's 1st smog, which is an emissions test, but like the MOT in the UK, but not as rigid. It will not pass if any of the warning lights are on, so I got it checked out. Oh, only needed a new catalytic converter - $1200 thank you very much. So paid that, got the smog certificate, Bob's your Uncle. All registered/taxed and ready to roll. Except for a little flat, slow puncture I thought. Hummm just a $200 repair job on busted rim which is aluminium and basically as useful as a chocolate frying pan. Better than forking out $350 for a new rim right?

With all that paid for and also the realisation I have to put in a full tank of petrol every other day ($35 - $42) because I drive a lot of miles for work, I was a bit stressed out. Feeling very lucky that this was the last bill I would have regarding the car (she is called Joy by the way - Oh Fucking Joy as she gets most of the time), I cruised up Highway 1 - the scenic route from my fam's house in the Santa Cruz Mountains, one morning; I was minding my own, well, was on the cell to my bloke, when who did I spot hiding under the 40 MPH sign? Yeah C.H.I.P.S. Now to all those folks who saw this show when they were a child will probably empathise me when I say I cannot help but laugh at the usually height challenged cop, on a BMW wearing Ray Ban Wayfarers, with his beige nylon pants riding right up his sack (sorry Gran). Yeah they are funny, and yeah they all love an English accent, and he did note I had the same fashion sense when it comes to sunglasses; but not on this day. My spat of bad luck with Joy came to a crescendo when I got a speeding ticket - I was doing 64 in a 40 - but I was coming out of a 55 zone. Now I am usually one to argue, but this C.H.I.P's guy seemed to be fully loaded with Mace, a semi automatic piece and some fancy stun gun, so I held back the laughter and gave it the sorry Sir, I won't do it again Constable (well, not quite but you get my drift). So, I just got the bill for this today, $275 plus $30 traffic school - which is some rode safety course led by a man in a clown costume who hands out pizza at , lunch time (honest). The purpose of this jovial day of teaching or supposed to stop your insurance rising next year, which sounds great to me, but I think I will opt for online traffic school, a lot less funny and may actually teach me a lesson. It is I admit about time I got done for speeding - Being the whirlwind that I am.

So now the squirmy bit. I have to go for surgery as the Yanks put it - An operation to you Brits. On Thursday please think of me while you are sat watching East Enders eating Shepherd's Pie and peas. I am going for the old Farmer Giles, piles, (haemorrhoids) cutting and frying off. So it is farewell to old Percy, and Paul and the seven other bad boys who have been residing up the old whatsit for forever. I have had them injected before but they came back, so now the scalpel is getting weilded about. I am not too bothered about some random Doctor prodding about, it is the Fleet enema I have to give myself two hours before which is freaking me out a bit, in fact inducing nightmares such as being trapped on Alcatraz. Plus the fact I will not be able to have a cigarette to calm me down. Nothing to do with the hospital rules of course; I have actually been smoke free for two weeks and a day. I am very proud of this factor, but that is a whole other blog.

I am also very disappointed because Morrissey is playing 4 gigs at my favourite San Francisco venue The Fillmore that week, and I have two tickets for the Editors I am trying to flog for that date (any takers?). So not allowed to jump about really and apparently cannot drive for a bit - cut down on the gas I suppose, and the potential for getting another ticket.

OK better get to bed - early start for the multi family garage sales in San Carlos tomorrow. I should look out for either a child's inflatable swimming ring, or one of those things you pop round your neck when flying - may come in handy for Thursday post op! Have a lovely weekend...

PS upon rereading this I saw a really bad wrong spelling and cannot find it now - v late and I need bed ;-)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Dianne and Me at Pillar Point Harbor, Princeton CA.
Both of us Yorkshire Lasses on Telegraph Hill's beautiful step/garden walk.
Dianne and Estella at Mum's corner shop - which is located in the kitchen!
Pompolino State Beach, CA.
Showing a bit of leg.

Just a quick blog - I have to whack a few pics on here because I managed to take 250 in the fortnight Dianne came to visit me and some are just gems, so I am off work, Monday afternoon, having bottomed my room, cleaned both my floor and the kitchen, on hands and knees I may add, perched on the edge of my unmade bed waiting for the sheets to dry in the tumble dryer. Why we don't 'peg out' here some may wonder - well, the sun is so bright it fades all one's colours so it is nion impossible to get that fresh line dried effect. Mind you, I seem to recall in England my washing was on the line for days, since the weather meant constant drenching of the clothes and resulted in another day flapping about in the garden, getting tangled up in the old honeysuckle, well, that's how I remember it.

So then Dinx the Minx AKA Dianne Dyminski has left the country, nearly got turfed of the connecting flight in Vegas before she even got on it - drunk, I wonder if that had something to do with the 4 cans of Bud she stasdhed in my car for the 15 minute journey to the airport? Or could be someting to do with the lovely ladies she met in the Vegas bar, one too many for the skies or so the air sueward tried to imply. Alas she got back to Blighty in one piece with many happy memories of a trip to see her old friend Jo. So some pictures for you to have a gander at any comments would be welcomed, just so I know you are out there reading this crap. A hello would be appreciated.

I must say it was a pleasure having Di to stay, she is a lesbian and a just like a bloke really, probably why we got on so well. She was easily pleased and happy with a cheapo can of beer and a few weirdo sightings in a day. I must say we dodged a shooting by a block, was harassed by a scary crack head who decided flemming up on my window would be the friendly welcome to the city Dianne was going to get and met an original Haight and Ashbury Summer of Love Hippie (yeah he was wearing a tie-died t- shirt!), hung in a very butch dyke club, where a few tongue sarnies were scoffed, saw part of a Giant's game for free and went to a gig at Berkley's Greel Theatre. I am considering becoming a tourist guide.

I have an idea for tours of the city - freak tours - basically a day in the city, frequenting such places as SOMA's 5th and 6th residential areas, Haight and even the Marina for those prepily disguised freaks who seem to love spending $8 on a beer. It would be akin to the ghost tours of York where I went to Uni maybe I should put a little more thought into it.

It has been a lovely weekend of chill. Not that I was dying to get that Minx back on the plan to whence she came. I just needed to recharge my batteries and stay in. So I cooked a salad, yeah eggs were boiled, beans grilled so in my book that constitutes cooking which was a accompanied by some tasty fillet grilled to perfection by my boyfriend Matt (see you got a mention). Saturday we drove up to the city, Matt got a hair cut and we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge to Tiberon and a littlle bar n the harbour overlooking the city, a wicked view of Alcatraz by the way, had a few rasberry rum smoothies (eye eye Captain), rummaged around a few yard sales where I got a few choice pieces of silver and wooden jewelery, then back to the city for a night in watching shite TV and a Chinese takeaway. Sunday was spent watching Pearl Harbor and eating Calzones from Pizza Orgasmica, then trivia at the Pig and Whistle. We came joint 3rd, so not too bad considering I know absolutely bugger all. I am all relaxed and ready for my next visit, which I am ecstatic over, Leanne my bestist friend is coming from Leeds with her hubby for a week in October. I will try and get some different shots for their visit. Sorry to bore you all with bridges, beaches and bevvies, but that's life in Sunny Cal - It is all good. Oh, still raining in Blighty??? How many weeks has the weather been akin to that of Noah's days?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Summer Update

Sara, Bonnie, T and Franzine in Kilowatt last Friday
Matt and Me on Berkley University Campus (I cannot turn it round)
Me and Dianne last Sat at the Greek Theatre, Berkley.
Me and Matt growling.
More growlers ( for the hats)

Well, well, well....Doesn't time fly when the sun is out, the humming birds are flitting about and the trees are looking their most glorious? Yeah, Summer in the Peninsula rocks here in California. I cannot say it is too hot in San Francisco (Leanne pack a sweater or two for your October visit please), the fog caused by the two water masses the Bay and the Pacific put pay to anyone within 3 miles of San Francisco getting a view due to the thick band of fog which hovers over the city most days. It does leave at noon ish - only to make a speedy return round about 5 pm. Well, this does not effect Juanita Banana (me - that's my Spanish/Mexican Name).
So, I got a home for Milo my pussy, he is very settled and his new Mummy sends me weekly updates on his welfare - Apparently it took her a few weeks to tell Milo that even though Mummy Juanita let the poor declawed bugger out the house - New Mummy (or should I say Mommy ?) was not going to be so wicked. Poor thing. Anyway - good deed for the month done. Funny though - I am house sitting for my Mum at the moment and a strange dopg turned up - Must have a touch of the old Dr Doolittle in me. Shame I did not have the same effect on men (when I was single of course).

I have a friend from my home town of Keighley, West Yorkshire UK staying with me - Dianne - Bless her - she has been a laugh and it has been great seeing a lass with the same background, circle of childhood mates and sense of humour - I am beginning to decide to halt all one liners in the USA 'cause there's only Matt (my man) who understands and laughs appropriately at them.

So, typical San Fran sight seeing tours for the benefit of Dianne - all with a twist, as she is gay - hence a very eye opening visit to the Cat Club (I think renaming it the Pussy Palace would be a good idea) last Friday and a long awaited trip to Hooters - a food joint with lovely looking ladies of the big boobed variety, all harmless fun of course, just got to get to a strip club and then I think Dianne will have had her share of window shopping ;-)
I went to Berkley University's Greek Theatre last Sat with Matt and Dianne, I will post some pics for you to laugh at. We saw a few bands at the 'Summer Haze' gig, drank a few beers and hung out, then popped into the world's greatest burger place In and Out for a late night snackidge (bollox to the diet). Oh yeah I am on a diet and my belly is still the same, but my tits have disappeared to nothing - so much so in fact one is terribly scarred of going into Victoria Secrets for fear of them referring me to the training bra section!!! Pooh.
The diet is just me stopping eating out and consuming vast amounts of Maple Syrup soaked carbohydrate items at two-hourly intervals - Did not take me long to adapt to this consumer driven demanding society did it? So just keeping a check on it.

I have just heard my best friend Leanne from Uni is coming with Ritch her hubby on Oct 6th for a week, and Matt booked us 10 days in Maui so lots to look forward to in October - Just don't mention Christmas yet eh?

OK have to go, pick Dianne up from the train, get bottleds of water from old job, go to Ross Dress for Less - just in case they got a new shipment in, drive 30 miles to Mum's oh, that is after stopping at the pub for a few - Then to Mum's cook for 3, feed 50 cats and 3 dogs - THEN I may watch TV for a change.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


OK so my friggin key board is playing up. I cannot see what I am typing as there seems to be a delay. I may be running low on memory, which reminds me I need to get this whole system backed up like tomorrow for fear of loosing all my pics and now more importantly work stuff. I have been working on a spreadsheet for weeks and have used my noggin - I email it to my gmail account each time I amend it - Just in case.

I also have a blank work document in Word which will not delete from the screen without me turning the whole caboodle off. WHY? Gosh, this is frustrating.

OK so what is happening in Harper's world? Not very much, I am thinking about getting out of my place since A) I have aquired a gorgeous cat, and B) My shoes are now living under the bed, due to severe lack of room. That's what you get if you live in a granny flat I suppose.

The cat is called Milo, and it is a Norwegan Forest Cat - see pic. He/she what the hell? Is so lovely, I am trying to get rid of it on Craig's List but have not had much joy. Not that I care 'cause I want it all for myself. Only snag is I am not allowed any pets according to my lease agreement, so I could solve the lack of shoe space if my Landlady catches sight of my pussy.

How did I acquire a cat? Well, funny story - I was given it at a petrol station a week and a day ago. Maybe because I was wearing a Cheshire Cat t-shirt at the time, some Dude decided to approach me, with his sister's kitty, which had just been rejected from entering Davis College. The guy was obviously distraught, and was mumbling about having to take the poor little gorgeous bundle of fluff to the pound. Which is like the Green Mile. Of course I jeopardised my living situation and took the poor thing, cardboard box and all with me in my newly acquired Jetta.

So here she is- a right Royal pain in the ass, the fluffiest cat I have ever had the pleasure of grooming - Yeah grooming! I have to brush her fur cause she has already started Dreading-up, poor little thing. She has no claws too, and I don't think she has ever set a paw outside the door, until now that is.

I hardly see her, she just squawks and looks at the bowl of food I refresh each day. She doesn't like these bits I give her, she is going to have to get used to them because I bought a sack load, mind you she did get a treat, a small pouch of food from Safeways , which she just sniffed at and walked off - tail in the air. I cannot paint a full picture of snobbish behaviour from my little fluff ball. She cries to come in at 6am most days, and I let her on my bed (with a protector sheet of course) and she gets the scratching of her life, since she has no nails I feel it necessary to give her a good rub and she really does appreciate it - I can only describe her body of that of a Koala Bear when she's purring her head off, clinging on with all four limbs to my arm as I try and tickle her.

OK better get on Milo literally walked in my room for her daily groom.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

4th July. The Aftermath

Well, I warned the boys I was not keen on D.I.Y. (Do it Yorself) fireworks and sparklers. But I was not to be the party pooper on the 4th July, yesterday. Here it is Independence Day so you have to don red white and blue, wave the flag and say "Happy 4th". Maybe not. Any excuse for a firework, rocket, snake (load of crap) and bloody sparklers.
Now us Brits see a sparkler as a harmless shiny wondrous wand of glowing gorgeousness. Takes an hour to light them but they are worth it for the 30 second of "awws" and "ahhs" they omit. Sparklers in America look like Tommy guns, they have an extra handle shaped like a gun and throw of large molten globules of hot 'aluminum' arches of white hot mini firebombs.
If you are unfortunate enough to be stood under some lasses waving their light saber-like death sticks above your head. You get a bald patch (see picture 1 - look at parting closely). Yeah, daft biatch Jo was rained upon, as she stood under a sparkler shower.
I had a fit. Immediately wanted to go home, after asking Matt to take this picture so I could 'zoom in' on the damage. Mortified. The bald, burned patch of course felt a lot bigger. It was a shock when the meteor hot rock landed on my head. I felt a hot sensation and smelt my hair burning, grabbed my hair and a massive clump came out in my hand. I was stood near Mike at the time and his face was a picture when I showed him the hair! So that made it worse for me. I shed a few. My hair man. All I kept saying was that it was bad for me 'cause I was a girl!
The boys carried on with the firework nonsense, totally wasted. Irresponsible if you ask me, but no one does, so on this instance, my opinion did not count. The day prior to that incident was spent playing drunken soft ball with my friend T's mate's in Potrero Hill, San Francisco. Drank loads of beer, started with a few cheeky Snakebites. Don't you like a cider on a hot summer's day?
We all took meat and veggies to the softball field and there was a sound system with a mike and a keyboard, so the Baseball tunes were being busted out. It was a laugh. I went with my boyfriend Matt, my friend and Matt's room mate T, her mate Sarah and then loads of people turned up who we all knew so it was day of good people and food. Well, I won't mention the kebabs eh Matt?. Yeah, they seemed to take forever to get going. The coals were never hot enough. What would I know about BBQ-ing anyway, I am a Brit? Yorkshire Puddings anyone?
The game was a laugh. I wore the mascot costume beer can, I will add a pic here, but I think I have to rotate it, and it is a hassle right now- so later. Or just go on facebook, you'll see the full album on that. Can I just say, I was bitten by a spider on the way home last night (yeah, Happy 4th!)? My leg is swollen and my foot just got red. So if you don't hear from me again, that's what did it... Just make sure you cover my bald/burned patch up when you get me sorted for the crematorium!
See Ya.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Frig - What happened to June?

OK - I always apologise here, the part when I feel really guilty for some reason I am not keeping this thing up to date. God forbid if I do ever have kids, they will be pissed off to see Mammy kept all the sunniest goings ons for her eyes only. I should not have to apologise really though because there is only one person who reads this shite on a regular basis and it is only my x-boss, so it does not really cause too much stress, well, it does, I am waffling on about it, yes I feel guilt as Marianne Faithfull said three weeks ago when I saw her at the Fillmore.

If only to brag about all the gorgeously live gigs I have been to since Coachella in April (I still need to put the line up on my blog re this event, and also gather more pictures, although most are to risque for publication, and Madonna already did that book so I guess I will sneak them in the old archives somewhere; I tell you when I am 65 I will not be able to rely on my seriously deteriorating memory to bore my Grand kids to death with - THIS will be my only tool for recollection and I really should document more for my benefit). (Breathe).

I am just gonna list the gigs I have been to recently.

Joan Armatrading at Mountain Winery, Seratoga.
She was great, the first note induced a serious eyeball flooding. Her music evoked so many childhood memories, I just had to shed a few tears, she was real, her voice not a note out from her CD's. I had to use itunes for the first ever time for purchase, as I needed to download her greatest hits just to brush up before the show. My Mum and I went along, and sat in the outdoors with a near-on full moon. Question: Why do Americans feel the urge to talk all the way though a sit down $50 show? About what they are having for tomorrow's dinner and such. The conduct in the cinema is far more disheartening and this gig was the first one I had to ask someone to stop being so disrespectful and downright rude. They moved seats! Always polite - never too aggressive, well a little since it was Joan and there were a fair few 'butch' biatches about, so I had to be a bit firm.

Fratellis at The Fillmore, San Francisco.
Brilliant show, right at the front of the stage. I must say though the roadies provided nearly as much entertainment as the band. Brilliant Scottish looking blokes, Mum actually reckoned the amp man was the glass collector from the band's local! Mum, Stacey and Zoe (visiting from Keighley, Yorks UK) and Christine (visiting from Edinburgh) her half sister Pier and myself went together and danced and shouted our heads off for a very good set, which needed a little bit more audience participation if I have to make a comment. The lead singer did not engage with the audience quite as much as I'd have liked. They left my favourite song 'Chelsea Dagger' for the encore and what an encore, the crowd went crazy.

Sierra Leone Refugee Group, Great American Music Hall, San Francisco.
My God, these boys and lady could play! I cannot really put my finger on a genre for this band, they were thrown together in a refugee camp and obviously decided to pass time by banging on a few instruments, singing, rapping and dancing. A feast for the ears. Never seen a bassist with grey dreads down to his ass before, he insured my eyes did not suffer fatigue, in fact if I wanted to I could have taken the cheeky chappy home. Got very drunk this evening all because of the amount of dancing I was doing.

Hot Chip, The Fillmore, San Francisco.
The best band at Coachella Music Fest. By far, they rocked and my second dose of them made me firmly believe that there are one of the most original, entertaining in a quirky way, lads from home who are causeing riots here. The police stated the next day that this was an illegal rave, seriously guys it is not exactly in a barn in the middle of Kent, we bought tickets and from what I know no E's were being flogged. Rave! It rocked. But I could not liken it to any of the raves I ever attended in my youth (listen to Granny here!). They are so good live, their CD doe not do them justice, you have to see these boys live.

Marianne Faithful, Guess where? Yeah the Fillmore, San Francisco.
Seated at round tables elegantly lit with votives, Mum and I, I treat her for her birthday, sat in a very different Fillmore than what I am used to. It was all very civilized, until Marianne opened her mouth! I have some of her CD's and have only played them a few times, however after this show I cannot stop playing her. She is fantastic. Girls, she is one for the ladies.

OK so there's a few. I have tickets for The Kings of Leon in September will be stood in line at Popscene in two weeks for Maximo Park, this venue is really small, and tickets can only be bought on the door, so it is a pain in the ass, but the last gig I went to there was the Teddybears and they were worth the wait on a chilly foggy night. So I am in line for that one. The Klaxons are plying next Thursday for $15 so I may pop up to the city for that one.

OK, back to Howard Stern on Sirius. He is having a butr ring hoopla game at the moment- all very entertaining I am sure ;-)

Friday, May 25, 2007

Bay To Breakers SF

OK- So here goes - I have finally found a little time to Blog. I know I should make more of an effort, mind you it would only be for Keith, since he's the only one of you lot who bothers to read this sodding thing!

It has been chicken oriental since I last logged on. I have not even started to think about adding all the live gigs I have been to- I really must tell all about the Coachella, Palm Springs Festival in April, there are some funny tales to be told, all detrimental to my angel like persona, however I am prepared to show myself up for the sake of you guys. The lasses met Lilly Allen which gave them a buzz- Not as much as watching the little Minx strut her stuff on stage - High as a kite on pot - she said it not me, prancing about the stage with her quirky dress and trainers. I definitely got a kick out of watching her, she is a true starlet. For how long one can not make assumptions, but I reckon she'll manage to squeeze another record out. And if not, she's always got her New Look fashion line to help her pay the mortgage.

The above picture was taken in Golden Gate Park, which is simply lovely - a new discovery for me, since I have been dating a soccer player, it seems I spend a bit of time in the park, and with my love for lillys and the odd leg I find my fetishes can be quenched in this tranquil part of San Francisco. Sunday is usually my day of choice for my little wanderings. Last Sunday was to say the least most interesting.

The Bay to Breakers is a 7 mile race through the city - from the bay to the beach, through many historical neighbourhoods, and past plenty of famous sites. Some people, let's just say the old wrinkled, skin down to the belly when it should be on the forehead-types seem to find it necessary to grace us with their naked presence. I am still searching for a reason why. They sure like their photos taken. I will not scare you off my blog, therefore have posted the pseudo C.H.I.P.S. picture.

These guys were walking through the park and decided to arrest me, for what exactly I cannot recall, I am sure it was a minor traffic offence such as dancing in the middle of the road. Anyway, they dumped me in the trolley-come-bike at such force nearly paralyzed me for life. I remember them fireman's lifting me into the damn cart, and dropping me like you'd dump potato peelings into a compost heap. The metal seat dug into my spine and I made a small yelp. However this did not seem to deter them from slapping the 'cuffs on me. Not funny when they said they had no key. I just had visions of them abandoning me on Ocean Beach, leaving me there all cold and miserable waiting for the tide to come and get me.

Now this whole incident was erased from my memory bank, probably something to do with consuming a lot of champers that day. I was only reminded of my arrest when I woke the next day with a huge bruise on my back, and when I finally rose from my pit, realised I was bent over like Fagin. Hummmm, what happened? I went to work and looked at my friend's digi'-camera; Everything became clear. I diagnosed my pain, and decided to track down the culprits, however upon close inspection did not quite make out the Officer's badge numbers, so I need your help? Anyone recognize these heavy handed Coppers? Please report them to the Crime Scene Incident room, which has been erected beside the Rose garden, just off JFK Drive, near the Conservatory, G G Park.

I love San Francisco.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Lazy Bloggerista

Summer is here and it is the 40th Anniversary of the Summer of Love. So San Francisco has endless possibilities for a single chika such as myself. I feel bad not blogging but I am sure you understand :-)
More pics and tales of the city soon.....

Monday, March 26, 2007

Ticketmaster Bullshit

Now I have to get this off my chest. I have been purchasing tickets from these robbing bar-stewards for 18 months and I just have to complain about the ridiculous charges these money grabbing gits have the cheek to charge for getting a ticket on line.

Most things for example my bargain BGBG $180 jeans were purchased on line for a significantly cheaper than retail price. In this case I paid $29.99 plus shipping on eBay.

Used books; get all mine for about $1 from Amazon, used of course but a damn site cheaper than the $15 they charge in Waterstones.

But what Ticketmaster do, how they actually run their business is daylight robbery. They first of all tempt you to sign up to their pre-release in order get your tickets 2 days before they go on sale to the general public. So being a geek I wait patiently for the 10am start and proceed to type furiously into the computer my pass word, which is a headache in itself since I am not exactly Carol Vauderman when it comes to numbers. This 15 minute frantic pounding of the keyboard is preceded by a nightmarish skit of trying to decode the special code, which is difficult since upper and lower case letters all mingle into a gauzed box of silliness. After several attempts you are in. Happy that you have secured for example two Wolfmother tickets for $30 each. Proceed to check out.

BANG a $8.50 service charge per ticket is added at the register, then a $2.50 charge because you want to consume your own ink and print them out on one's personal printer. What IS that all about? This really is day light robbery.

I have just been perusing Craig's List and have seen these tickets for $80 each selling to the poor fans who never have access to the magical world of Ticketmaster's pre-release system. I feel that these issuse need addressing because someone who has nothing to do with the actual mucisians are making a lot of cash from us.

OK that's my PMT rant over.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dry Creek Valley - Healdsburg Wine Country

For some strange reason I cannot upload any pics of the weekend I just had up in wine country. I will however have a go later.

What a shock- Spring is here- Now this means 75 degrees f over here in California. But the effects are much the same as back home in Blighty. Gorgeous blossoms on the trees, daffodils, and hyacinths. I have seen a few croci (is that the plural I wonder?) but NO bluebells. I am assured that there are bluebells some where in the Redwood forests, I think they will be abundant just North of the Golden Gate Bridge (GGB) - I must put that on my list of things to do.
In the meantime I must tell you about the lovely weekend I just had- That is before this weekend comes and goes because I am sure there will be a few tales to tell from my pending Tahoe ski trip (oh I am so lucky).

We went about 60 miles North of the GGB to the Russian River Wine Road Barrel Tasting Event I am not sure if this link will work, it is my 1st attempt at putting in a link. A N Y way, the sun was blasting, the sky was as blue as a mulit saver Costco bottle of Lenor and I was cruising in Joy, my lovely WV Jetta, with the sun roof open and an array of my latest music was blasting- Note Athlete's new CD is the best- Track 3 is my favourite 'Corridors' (that is a guess at both track # and title - they don't call me Bubble at work for nothing you know).

It is the 1st time I have driven anywhere for a trip for ever and I like being at the wheel - Only because I get to say which CD goes in next. I am obsessed with music at the moment, and have great pleasure in being on my own just chilling at home. Will I become a music hermit? There is so much great stuff at the moment, how anyone has time for work is beyond me!

Back to the trip. The most amazing thing I saw was a wine cave. They keep the barrels under these little Teletubby-style hillocks with amazing little archways which you walk through, only to discover a warren of alleyways filled to the brim with barrels ready to emit the latest Cab Sav (hark at me) or Pinot Noir. We actually went to a region not known for my favourite red Pinot. However all the wine was lovely - in its final state I must add; one had to endure a few stages of the aging process before one received a thimble full of the bottle ready stuff. Matt bought a lovely Cab and we ended up necking that at the end of the day.

Definitely a must do once in your life time. However the limos with drunken college-types did not do much to promote the whole experience in my eyes. Maybe that's just because I am getting a little older, slowly!

Gotta cut this short, it has been in the edit stage for over a week, after many attempts at getting the pics up I still cannot fathom it out, I think the files are too big.

Oh someone told me Bush asked that the clocks be put back an hour three weeks early - so we are now only 7 hours behind the UK, and it is dark when one goes to the office. I am not sure where the rumor about Bush's influence came from , either my naivety or some publicity stunt to make some fucker like him ;-)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Razorlight at Slims San Francisco March 7th

WOW. I am so spoiled, I love San Francisco if only for one thing - the amazingly fabulous live gig scene. I cannot believe that last night I went to Slims for the 1st time. It was a perfect venue for me. Dirty, loud and purveying only the finest larger, that old slag, the bitch Stella and a lot of 'heads' by which I mean folk from home. I love seeing Brits on tour, it makes me smile, because it's all I miss really, the people. That's the only thing I have to force myself to LIKE here!!! He he.

Anyway, I was in line for about 3 minutes, straight in, after collecting our $14 tickets from 'will call' which is a little old fashioned cinema box office style glass booth at the front of the venue. San Francisco is like that, full of quirky 50's style traditions. Lots of retrofitted folks prancing around in severe black hair cuts with a fringe, high ponytails, red lips, Dame Edna type glasses, you know the look - Rock a round the clock type of dresses? I met a couple from Leeds who were nearly off back to Blighty after a year of studying here, they thought I was from Lancashire though! Shame on them ;-)

The band was setting up when we arrived, then all of a sudden kicked off with the one that goes 'In the Morning, everything will be alright'. I was jumping up and down from the first note, seriously they were fantastic. I must admit I have a slight problem when jumping up and down these days. I release a little moisture every time my feet land on the floor. I have been resigning myself to the fact I will no longer be able to jump, merely 'bop' which one simply cannot do to Razorlight; severe headbanging, flailing of arms and jumping up and down a lot is totally necessary, and this I knew - That's why I left my handbag at home!

The whole set was phenomenal. I was thoroughly impressed with my rendition of 'Who Needs Love' the boring folk in front of me did not think so. It was probably the first time they'd left the safety of their living room for months. Bit shell shocked, bless :-)

Is it appropriate when writing a blog to use those smiley faces? Is a blog an extended version of a text message or is it in fact more like a book? In which case smileys are inappropriate, I do not actually like using them, but some folk need a hint, you know, the one's with no sense of humour or SOH as I'd text. I am a bit miffed, being a child of the Atari computer, ping pong, space invaders and Pac Man and only doing my dissertation for my degree on a 1 inch screened 'word processor' I feel that I have been born a few years too soon, when talking about the etiquette of such mindblowingly baffling grammar issues involving a semicolon and a bracket end!

Again I wander- I am writing this at work, in between invoicing, making printed customer name labels for my mahoosive filing system....

A slight pang of guilt made me close there - but I am back. After thinking about the gig all night (geek!), I realised that I saw these dudes playing at Live 8 in Hyde Park, you know the second coming of Live Aid? Yeah, I remember now - I saw them these playing only 2 tracks and fell in love with them. That is why I was gutted they cancelled their last San Francisco gig. Anyway, they came, they conquered and now they left me, in a state. Nothing to look forward to.....

EXCEPT - The Killers at Bill Graham Auditorium SF on April 9th- Whoooooooooooooooooooa! I just had to go on line and see what I could get- They are sold out- Thanks heavens for Craig's list x

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

On Second Thoughts...

Most people are full to the brim!

Do you know what?

Some people are full of shite

Monday, March 05, 2007

News Flash

OK, I have to let you know, I am wearing shorts, it is official, the sun returned to San Francisco after a very long and grueling winter...NOT.
Seriously it has been really cold here, I am so happy to finally throw off the cashmere and get my cut-off Abercrombie combats ($1, garage sale) on, just a shame that I did not have the time to shave my legs. I had a rough night, no time for that nonsense.
Yesterday was spent shopping with my Mother, who bought a new black 80 GB i-pod and $300 worth of CD's, for me to download on to my PC, so that she can have her ipod instantly loaded with lots of gorgeously new and shiny music. I have been adding stuff to my computer since October, relying on copies from Mum, friends in the UK and loaned disks from the library, so there is a lot to download. Most of which was not up to Mum's spec' so I ended up just adding her new stuff. This means we are all winners. I just gained the Smiths entire collection, and a lot of new stuff from home, which I must admit is making me a little homesick just listening to it. How I miss those chavs Jamie T is talking about!
The city was unusual in two ways, it was very quiet and rather hot. Hot enough for a vest top, but the cautionary sweater is always a must, and did end up getting popped on in the afternoon. We had lunch in Macy's cafe, and then could not resist the earring bargains as we passed the 50% off racks on the 1st floor. I bought three new ravishingly beautiful pairs. One touch my collar bone- so they may need soberness and a little scaffolding when I wear them, let's just say I will not be consuming too much alcohol when I have them on- With the weight on them I will end up in the gutter at a slightly earlier time than usual if I do ;-). I also got luck in Virgin, I scored a few 99 cent CD's some funny anthem Ibiza-type stuff, so I will be roller discoing it in my bedroom once again, just as soon as I have a spare few hours to down load all MY stuff!
It is so warm I am off on a picnic in Golden gate Park this evening, and perhaps a little kick around with a football, the round variety. I will pop into Trader Joe's (purveyors of perfect picnic fayre), get loads of ready made tasty treats, and a bottle of bubbly and get my bum up there as quickly as possible. I get off at 3.30pm and it is dark by 6 so it will be a mad rush. When do the clocks change?
Anyway- I have to get on with my work, just wanted to tell you how much easier it is to get up, throw on a pair of cut offs, and cruise on down the freeway to work in the morning. Could that be a song I wonder?
See Ya laters...Alligators (Jamie T you rock)

Friday, March 02, 2007

Snow Patrol Bill Graham SF March 1st 2007

Last night I drove up to the city with much gusto, which was unusual since I never did manage my usual hour long siesta. The reason for such excited school girl behaviour was that I was on my way to see one of my favourite bands. The Silversun Pickups. I have seen them four times now and they were supporting Snow Patrol along with OK Go at the Bill Graham Civic in San Francisco. I have had these tickets since November, and it was a sell out, well worth the $50 I paid ($15 of which went towards service and handling charges - I tell you, I wish I got paid that much for inserting paper in printer, pressing print, then retrieving printed ticket, popping it into an envelope and handing It over to disgruntled begrudging fan at 'will call' I would be able to buy a tour bus and gig with the fuckers myself!). Anyway, let's just say my pants were on fire, and I ain't no liar.
The journey up to San Francisco can be taken a few ways, but the fastest route is the 101, yes CHIPS patrol every inch of this freeway, and yes they do wear rounded scooter helmets, carry huge weapons of mass interruption (big tannoy voice enhancer devices- what are they called? You know, the ones the headmaster always used at school Sports day to make sure everyone had their eggs secured on their spoons). The traffic is not too bad and it's a 21 mile ride taking about 25 minutes. I set off in good time, found parking, which is a major feat in itself, and met my date for the evening.
Dinner followed with a glass of Red, I am favouring Pinot at the moment, still I have not found one which does not induce serious dehydration and sporadic urges to vomit the next day. Thai food, I think, not sure now but spicy prawns and some sort of egg plant chicken wrap in coconut milk were involved. So tasty in fact we completely lost track of time. It was 8.30pm by the time the bill was settled. Now I was under the impression that OK Go were on 1st, Silversun's then Snow Patrol, so the lack of promptness never thought to enter my head to be noted as a serious misjudgement and poor time management issue. But alas, I should have known. OK Go were screaming "How did you rate the Silversun Pick Ups?' just as we managed to swerve potential beer spillers, ie small wild and unruly 'Emo' kids. Emo's are some tribe of small folk who wear black, smoke spliffs and ride skateboards. I think. Some sort of sub breed of the original skater dude so frequently found wasting time on street corners. So sad faces all round, a few beers for commiseration and on with the show.
Snow Patrol kicked some arse. They sounded much better than the album, because the instruments were really electrifying. Unbelievable drums, bass and lead and the singing was spot on. The whole show was packaged in a lovely bundle of red and blue lights, which adorned the back of the stage. I think there was a bit of pyrotechnics involved but don't quote me on that. One lucky lady was invited onto the stage and she sang with the lead, she was amazing, but clearly shitting her pants. Well done Dawn. OK that was not her name, how the hell do you expect me to remember that? I cannot even recall the lead singer's name (what am I like, what am I like?).
Oh, how I miss UK TV by the way. My mind wanders.
The reason I see so much live music these days is mainly due to the fact I have not had a TV since I came to California back in October 2005. This is due to the complete and utter shite they have the audacity to transmit in this country. However I do read the trashy TV magazines my room mate Annie buys - by the ream. I have actually realised most of the tripe they serve up on a paper picnic plate here is actually a direct descendant from TV back home in the UK. Pop Idols, Dancing with the Stars (what IS that all about?) and Nannies, Mum's Dad's and Kids from Hell. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. What a load of codswallop (where does that word come from?). Did you know that Heather Mills Sir Paul McCartney's soon-to-be or probably is already x-wife (shows how much I know) is going to be 'starring' in the next Dancing With Stars here in the US? Who knows who she is I want to know? Knowing the softies in California she will win because they pity her. Well, if you read my blog you'll know how much pity she got from all at the Bonfire Night party at my Mum's house (we turned her into a 'guy' and burned her).
I must admit I have a very unhealthy addiction to youtube at the moment, in fact will probably have some self deprecating clip on there soon- I am considering a video blog, however don't know how long they will actually keep it up here, because I have noticed when looking through the archives on this blog, some of the photos I post have been deleted. Granted they were of naked gay granddads in noting but a dog chain and collar; living in San Francisco I see absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

More Vegas Baby

Hello peeps, hope you are all happy. Just a few more pics of Vegas, sorry no x-rated ones this time round - Maybe I will get a few together for private viewing.

You can see New York New York at the top, with a pic of the aged-steak store we had the most fantastic dinner in one evening. The Statue of Liberty, well, fiberglass and papier mache version is clad with a basketball shirt 'East Side' and the lion outside the MGM has a 'West Side' shirt on, this was something to do with the NBA Basketball All Stars game, which happened to be on 'the strip' the weekend we arrived. I must say, when I got to the hotel to meet my Mum and Step Dad I thought I had walked into Jerry Springer's studio. I have never seen so much 'Bling' or "bling Bling'. I had not imagined it possible for a woman to step out onto the casino floor, in a size 2 dress when her true, no breathing in size was near on a size 18! Seriously, it was a sight for sore eyes, but with so many Gangsters on site, one's eyes were forced to staring into one's Grey Goose and soda! I was amazed by the sheer size of the boobs on some of those women. I have been known as top heavy in my time, but those bazookas defeated gravity. 12 inch heels were probably the only thing keeping those ladies upright. Mind you, all were surrounded by 5 men-strong posses so there was no chance of much falling over, perhaps if I'd stayed in the bar long enough I could have seen some ground breaking moves.

That was only the fist night. The Sunday morning was spent laughing at my Step Dad for having a major hangover, deciding on how much my betting limit for the week would be ($200) and setting up the trade show booth, for the company I work for, family owned which makes at the more interesting, and walking up the 'Strip'. We walked for ages, I sat on a sphinx, posed for pictures outside New York, caught the back end of the Belagio fountains and was 10 feet away from a shooting! Yes a bloody shooting.

It went like this. I was walking with Mum, Step Dad (Tim) Gordon Riley (Technician from UK, Keighley, my home town, in fact) and Teresa who is both Mum's and my friend. A guy was on the over pass from the MGM to NY NY (I think - I was in shock), he was trying to sell me some CD, and suddenly grabbed his box of wares from the floor, and shouted to us "Run, fight!". We were like, looking around to see the action, and he yelled "Run, gun!". So immediately we stopped rubber necking and started to run to the casino doors. It was then we heard a 'pop', a gun shot, but not like the gun' s I'd heard at Mum & Tim's house. We have shot down there at targets a few times, and that seemed much louder, down at the creek.

Not many people ran, it was really crowded, and once we were in the casino we seemed to become an insignificant group of shocked tourists wondering if that was real or not. You can not tell, we were Vegas BABY! We saw the details on the news back at the Luxor Hotel there was apparently three shootings that day. Gangstas! So, all very scared, resulting in a few nights spent in the hotel, back and forth to work, at Mandeline Bay, which was a 40 min walk when the crowds of Basketball fans where there, but only 20 minutes once we had some room to walk. I have never seen so many big people, tall and fat. Really. I could not get any real pictures of this very entertaining aspect of Vegas for fear of getting squashed, or in fact shot!
So by the time Teresa left on the Tuesday (reading back on this, this sounds bad, not intended honey), I had two nights of the best side of Vegas. Vodka and steak. Wee bit of gambling and a strip joint to get the old cockles flowing. Yeah. I went to Spearmint Rhinos with four vets(as in animal Dr's. NOT to be confused with old Vietnam war heroes - there has been and will continue to be some cross wires on this abbreviated usage of the word). Three from the UK, and one from South Africa.

I met these guys at the 'show' we were selling at. They popped passed and came back over for an other look. We ended up chatting, and having our heritage mostly, ( I have no S African in me, ((well, none that I know of)), in common we all ended up deciding to meet for drinkie poohs later on. I blew them out that night, but they called and I decided well, come on, let's see Vegas BABY! So we went for 'dinner' which consisted of at least six vodkas, they were on Redbull and Vodka me just soda, in the Mirage Hotel, Casino. Lovely- The only one I saw with real trees. I must actually interject here and say the air in that place is really disgusting. I am sure they pump in air freshener and oxygen to mask the immense amount of cig smoke in the place. But all the same. Nice you can smoke.

Then we had a laugh with a few oil tycoons, rather funny, I was dared to steal a guy's diary, which was sticking out of his Wrangler waistband. Which I did. I also introduced myself by asking him what he was doing Thursday lunch. He immediately got his Blackberry out and I was disappointed he did not feel round for his planner. I ended up leaving the bar with it. Spotting a $20 on the floor, felt bad, and ran back to the bar to hand it back. It was lucky because I had left my jacket in there, so luck all round. The next thing I touched was a load of chips, falling around the black jack table. One of the Vets handed me a stack and I just threw them about. No one was amused. Next we looked for the white tigers in the Secret Garden and they go to bed at 5pm. How bloody inconsiderate? I thought Vegas was 24/7 BABY! We then staggered in to Cesar's Palace, for ages, looking for vodka. Then ended up, for no reason other than 'why not?', we went to a strip club.

Spearmint Rhinos was a quick cab ride from the plastic word of the casinos, and into the really real world of super hot babes. I was really impressed. The girls were all lovely, about 40 of them. The bouncer asked if we wanted a table, we opted for the bar. Where two girls came up to me and put their hands down my cleavage. I was wearing a dress, structured so that a bra was unnecessary; and I got a shock! I said I was not interested. This did not stop us getting a table. Let's just say, some things that happen in Vegas, stay in Vegas BABY. To be continued...

Friday, February 23, 2007

What Goes On In Vegas Stays in Vegas

Well, here is a taster of Vegas - Just round and about the Luxor Hotel, where I stayed for 5 nights. I am not too happy with the shots including people - I have a suspicion that my camera - Oh my trusted camera is on it's last legs. Not dissimilar to myself in this crazy town.
Let's just get this straight, I was a Vegas Virgin and must say had my knickers in the air all the way BABY! I had to work at a Veterinarian conference from 9 until 5.30 ish for 3 days in a row, with a day either side for setting and packing up, but from dinner time until 5am I was free, a few hours reserved for sleep. Let's just say I did not get much.

I will post more soon, I am just a bit miffed at the fuzziness. How gorgeous is the pool? I managed to get my index finger wet and that was it - Testing the temp of course.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hello All You Singles

Well, well. This is the eve of probably one of the hardest days to be single all year. It was particularly hard for me this year as I had such an array of possible Valentine's it took me a week to write out all my cards - Let's just see if one gets any in the post tomorrow. No seriously. There is no seriously. I am dateless tomorrow, and have decided to get completely wasted with my old room mate Mike, and listen to a lot of punk rock I expect. I expect it will be one of those traipses through one's i-tunes looking for a song that does not remind one of the fact a) I'm single b) not getting any younger c) trying one's hardest not to eat cake and get fat or d)trying to forget a-c which would give the same results as d.

I have been a busy girl the past few weeks, making cards and posting a few little surprises for my friends and maybe one or more potential suitors. But I must admit, I am getting used to the fact that Mr Right is either a hedgehog, therefore in hibernation; or out on some Peace finding mission in the war, dragging helpless women and children from bomb sites, getting those arms strengthened to carry me over the threshold. Mind you, by the time I get wed, the unlucky bugger is gonna have to carry me and my wheel chair over the front step, I will be that old by then, I just don't think falling into walls and clinging onto radiators will suffice by the time I am 90!

It is weird Valentine's Day here. Whole classes give all the kids at school cards, you can buy them in packs of 30. There is no secret either. You may as well just go right up to someone and declare your undying love to their face. The purpose of sending cards in this country is to let people know we are all loved I think. Anyway I adopted that attitude this year and sent a few out to my mates. Don't know what came over me ;-)

All I know is that UPS are having to pull out their spare fleet tomorrow, just so they can deliver all my cards and pressys!

I am getting very excited about a pending trip to Vegas (BABY). I have never been before, even though I have been holidaying on the West Coast since 1989. I was always under the impression the 1st time I went, Elvis was gonna give me away in a drive through wedding chapel. Then Brittney pissed on my bonfire. But, I have the opportunity to go to the Western Vet Conference (whoooooooooooooa) which is from February 17-22nd, so I have a 5 night stay in the Luxor, which is shaped like a pyramid, should make some interesting pictures.

Since I am not a gambler, I have decided to keep a purse of cash solely for pampering purposes. However I have had a funny feeling that I may actually win something, so I will try my hand at some sort of game on the last night, if I win I can pay for my eyelash extensions and facials I am planning on having. But if I loose, I won't be ripping those little lashes out one by one. Looking at the shows that are on there at the moment, they seem a little excessive. I have been to Cirque de Sole, which was great, but I would not fancy it again. there is some Beatles show on too, but no one in our gang will be up for that, including me. So, I call upon your resources, please tell me what to do.

I am supposedly well equipped for Vegas (BABY) as I am living in the adult playground of the world. But I really don't feel equipped for their version of CHAVS which are Trailer Park White Trash. I have seen and heard enough Eminem to have some idea about exactly what sights I will be witnessing. My photo's are gonna be on the theme of Tinsel and tattoos - so watch out for some beauties.

What else have I got coming up....Lots of gigs, Paulo Nuntini, Razorlight, Snow Patrol, Silversun Pick Ups (buy them) and a huge Glasonbury type affair called Coachella, somewhere near Palm Springs. Red Hot Chili Peppers and Rage Agin' t' Machine are headlining, but I am more interested in the Brit contingency. Weeing my pants about seeing Jarvis Cocker and the Happy Mondays have re-formed, that should be a laugh.

Calm Down Dearest by Jamie T has me in stitched on, I heard him on my satellite radio Sirius - which if you have not got, why not? And the video is amazing. reminds me of babysitting when I was a kid, in some biscuit-tin smelling council house. he is great, don't know how long he'll be around but I hope he manages to knock a few more of those vids out, you should check him out.

One more thing I remembered, must tell ya. This weekend was my 1st one out and about since just before Xmas. I have been feeling sorry for myself, and have not been inclined to loose all my senses in a night of drunken debauchery. I must interject here. Sarah and Jose I know I got hammered on Jan 7th with you two, in Mars Bar in Soma SF, I am choosing to discount this night of complete tartish behaviour. Why? Because it makes my story less funny and I am in charge, this is my blog.

So as I was saying, lovely drinks a plenty Saturday night planned, which all started with my 1st attempt ever to get all the lovely ladies I have met here on a night out. An email was sent, asking if anyone was up for a man free night - IE all of those ladies who usually spend the night watching reruns of ER and countless reality shows with your man munching through a meat feast pizza, then farting and burping in unison with the theme tune to Pop Idol, get your booties out. Night in either North Beach or The Mission, lots of dancing and then a curry for afters. This I must add is not the usual order of events here. Food always seems to be the core of all nights out, and one must eat it really early, then spend up until 2am trying various cocktails and shots to try and get a bit pissed.

The response was crap to say the least. But I had my fantastic mate T. Teresa. I got to hers at 8 ish and we started on the vino tinto and had a few bong rips (see how easily I have settled in here!) then waited an hour for a bloody cab. I ended up driving. I parked on a hill called Hill, to avoid any loosing of one's vehicle, which I have done before.

We started quickly and finished at a sprint. The funniest bit was t falling asleep in her Mexican platter in the taquerria. The que was too much for her, apparently burritos are the UK version of a kebab, so the place was packed. We had to wait in line for ages, and t just flopped to the nearest table and passed out. Thanks God it was not me, makes a change I suppose. All I was thinking about was getting some sleep before the dreaded Sunday I had ahead of me.

My Mother had called Saturday to tell me that she had gone to feed Daisy, her grossly overweight 12 yr old Cairn Terrier, and she had not popped her head out of the kennel. Mum wanted me to come and have a look. She had prodded inside the kennel with a stick, but that dog has about 5 sleeping bags and she could not be found. I volunteered as I knew it was gonna be a sad day for my Mum. We arranged to eat sushi in Half Moon Bay 1st, I suppose this was the only suitable payment Mum could think of, especially as I was gonna have to drag this 24 lb (supposed to weigh 12lbs!)dead dog out onto the grass - then what? I dunno know, but is was worth a hand roll, caterpillar roll and a bowl of misso soup! So lunch it was.

I don't know what you usually eat when a monster hangover is raging up a storm in your head, but I used to go for the full Trucker's breakfast, baked beans, bacon, one sausage, fried bread, tinned tomatoes and a white t-cake with loads of butter. No such thing as a Greasy Spoon Cafe here, so raw fish seemed to be a good idea, NOT. I prayed the dog was alive. She was. Hurrah.

So got to go now, seem to have wasted my Valentine's eve writing this! Happy Valentine's Day. You know I love you!

Jo x

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Morrissey Pasedina Feb 1st 2007

These are my Mammamozie and Morrissey himself at Pasadena Civic Center nr LA on Thursday. We were in the Moz pit second row from front. He was brilliant. The 1st time either of us have seen him, my Mum paid for the tickets, hotel and flights. Thanks so much Mum you are the best.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

On Yer Bike

These were taken today at Crystal Springs San Mateo County, California. I went on a 10 mile bike ride - and can honestly say I feel a lot chirpier!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Bollox to Blogging

I am not apologising for my lame ass attitude to blogging this year. My resolutions never even got to the starting line, and they have already made it to the player's lounge and are merrily supping on a wee vodka by now.
I am supposed to be balancing my check book- Not that I have one, but you know paying in my wage on a Friday, taking out $100 for the week's coffee and fag expenses and then deducting each ATM transaction, bill payment and documenting my lavish luxury purchases. Have I done it? Have I bollox. I have kept all receipts however and may do it this weekend. Along with my visa application which has been bought and printed out since, well, it has to be a year ago! I need to get the old dust buster on the reams of paper once I actually locate the damn thing.
My B1/B2 visa expires on April Fool's Day (how apt) and I am supposed to be applying for my Family to sponsor me to stay in this the United States. Why anyone in their right mind would want to live here is beyond me at the moment, but I suppose many people think the grass is greener. It stays more vivid and fresh certainly, but after time, the edges do start to singe and the muddy puddles of disappointment set in.
Rather a solemn blog, but I feel like moaning, so I am. I have many a good reason, some which will become obvious in time.
Life here is great, I mean I was skiing with my best pal Sarah and her hubby Jose Ramon at the beginning of the year. I had a ball with Sarah, especially as I had been really sick all Christmas, therefore no tales of drunken debauchery to report. Although I did get accused of leaving a bag of used coke in my Step Sister's bedroom! One of my Step Brother's mates asked me if I wanted to 'party' on Boxing Day. I was in shock- Oh how we all grow!
Yeah, skiing was grand. I had a week off and went up to Lake Tahoe, which is on the Nevada/California boarder. Absolutely beautiful scenery and the skiing was fantastic. I have not skied in a blizzard before and my 'tash had icicles on it by the end of the day!! Reminds me - Resolution #2- get a referral for a laser hair removal place. I should do this really considering when my Mother called in for a brew last week, she came with a tin of bleach cream in hand! Salt of the Earth ;-).
Hummmm, what else have I been up to?
Oh I went to Sunday Service at a Church of self Realization last week, partly because I lost a dear friend Val on Saturday (I will be writing a post on the lovely lady in the week) and also due to the fact I have been dating a complete and utter nutter, who has been practicing this religion, or cult for the past 20 years. Not one particular thing compelled me to want to join in with the chanting and meditating, but I really did want to jump on the stage and show the 'light bearers' how to clap in time to the music. The whole church is related to Hinduism, and it has actually got me reading again, something I have not had the inclination to do for months. Which did not stop me getting a $20 library fine, for two books I never even read!
So here I am. California. I miss you all. It is a wet Saturday and Garage Sales have not started up again, what shall I do today?