Friday, January 14, 2005

Can Anyone Help Me?

Dear All,
I have a mad triangular red rash at the base of my spine, now it could be prickly heat but it does not itch and my skin is not burned (any more that is - the whole of my back has peeled since I burned on day 2!). I am also suffering from diarrhea - Now don't laugh this posting is not of the usual candor - IE I am not trying to make anyone laugh - merely trying to gain medical advice. I have been eating salads (yeah - I know worse thing to eat in 3rd world country) and drinking copious amounts of water - fruit juices etc. I have had this rash for a day and the toilet probs since I arrived on the 4th Jan. I have had Hep B, Yellow fever and another injection - cannot remember the name now - as it is late and I have exhausted al energies on the beach - yet again - (Well, actually I went to the launderette too so did something constructive) - So any of you traveling types had this rashy thingie?
I also know for a fact no mossys have bitten my flesh as I have been spraying that stinky Deet induced spray on for weeks now - No change of letting the French perfume getting any recognition - I smell like a clinic in fact.
Humm - I did drink sangria last night and that is the 1st glass of anything involving Brazilian so-called wine - could that be it?
Email comments to me directly if you are too scared to post anything on here
Meanwhile - I met a bead seller on the beach called Claudio Suarez Jimenez and he wants to take Sarah and I on a flat topped mountain with a Sphinx to meditate. Could that be a chat up line or is he really into meditation? Humm - I am not sure but bought a pair of ear rings from him any how - I will keep you informed on that one. Gotta go - Need to look up rashes on the net.
Late x

1 comment:

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Eating loadsa fruit, drinking bucket loadsa water and then to top it off, eating salads is a recipe for firing shit through the eye of a needle at fifty paces. It is what Doctors recommend when you are constipated fer chrissakes!!!
Stop eating anything for 2 days. (Not nice I know and judging by the photos an enforced famine is a bit nah nah). Just drink bottled water. Find a pharmacy that sells immodium. And grease that cork from that used bottle of wine and place it where no man has gone before!!!!