Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Gosh is it Wednesday Already?

Ok cultural time now - I will not bore you with intimate details of my day in the cultural centre of Rio - Simply tell you a little about the places of interest I have visited - it was not all fun because today I must admit I was not too happy about carrying my Sony 5 million mega pixel, movie maker camera around - even if it was in a plastic bag. It was a necessity however as the architecture and decorations were something else - Well, when one compares them to the sights we have seen lazing on the beach -ie vendors (must elaborate on these little monkeys one day). Yes - we were now aware why the guide book´s and fellow traveler´s hollered constant warnings of ´´Don´t look to touristy´´. Basically we stuck out like a Koala Bear in the Antarctic - We were SO British - Sarah disagrees with this point - stating she´s more Scandinavian (well, don´t they travel too?) and I could pass for a local now I am as brown as that Magic Ice squeeze on ice-cream topping we used to get as kids.
The street people´s interpretation of our appearance seemed to shout out TOURISTS - Especially when we were seen reading a 10´ squared Rio Map - (and that was only on a scale of 1´´ to a mile - Rio is gigantic). A local lady, who´s name I did ask but immediately forgot as it was not Mary or Lucy came up to us as we sat with this monstrosity of a map spread fully open while squinting for the street we were on - that was after we strained to locate a street sign amid the maddening rush of of busses, taxis and mad-peddlers (delivery boys) on their coal cart-type bikes. She said ``Tourists put map down and tell me where you go?``, beauty - we had it made in the shade (shade of the map that is - there is no actual shade in this city)- she took us to our place of interest - Which was the Theatro Municipal, and that´s the cultural pinnacle of our trip today. If you are interested I am sure they have a web site - I have decided to keep all the details of my interpretations of this wonderful place to myself - well, I cannot let you have all the content of my future book for free can I?

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