Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Iguassu Falls

Ola, my blogster buddies - I am just letting you in on a secret...IF YOU EVER WANNA SEE A WATERFALL GET YER BUMS TO ARGENTINA TO SEE THE FOZ DU IGUAZU. Or Iguassu Falls to us mere foreigners.
Sarah and I have been in heaven - We flew from Rio to Foz Du Iguazu on Monday morning and it was hammering it down - All be it sub-tropical hammering - Which is akin to the usual wet stuff except it is hot rain and one is not frowned upon for wearing bikinis and plastic ponchos!
For $35 between us we stayed in a 4 star hotel 400m from the National Park on the Brazilian side of the falls. The place was clean, had a pool, shovel loads of hectares of gorgeousness and a tennis court. Not to mention the bar, restaurant, pool room movie room and massage parlor. Mind you it still smelt like our apartment - which I have changed my mind on now - making a comparison to a boy´s locker room was a gross understatement. The smell is urine - I think they have toilet hygiene inadequacies in this country. But it did not put us off - and as far as all the hotels facilities went - we frequented the bar and restaurant only!
I would have blogged from there however the lady in the pc room had a thing for Americans - IE severe disliking, and put me in the North American´s and how to act like a complete B with them sector; hence was completely unhelpful and I had to leave the shop before she knew for sure I was a Northerner (only Northerners will get this - Scottish kiss comes to mind).
Monday was filled with excitement as we boarded the bus through the sub-tropical rain forest - which was slightly ruined by a huge pink hotel slap bang in the middle - however needs must. It was 4 quid to get in which was a bargain, but the rain put a total dampener on it and we had restricted views. However my friends, we did not let this put us off - I have about 5 cigs a caffe con leche and a few mins on their email (one in which the lady behind the desk was very courteous and did not mind taking mucho dinero from me). Hey are you impressed with my Portish (Portuguese come Spanish)?
Anyway, the falls were amazing - Loads of photo opportunities - even stretching the limitations of my Memory Card - but worth it if only for sheer - ´show and tell´ tales for mates upon my return!
But the best day was Yesterday, we got ourselves on a tour of the falls on the Argentinean side as soon as we had landed and was a bit dubious once we had booked as to what exactly safari tour, forest walking, lunch and power boat ride would entail - especially since we had only paid about the same as we would for a few loaves and fish in Safeways for the pleasure. ´
Sarah´s main concern was the lunch aspect, as she´s a vegi and the Argentinean´s are known for their liking of BBQ fodder.
We started the trip in a rickety old van with 2 Israelis and 2 Italians. No English was spoken for the 30 min trip to the park however Jo´s secret weapon of understanding a multitude of languages - (well, when it comes to niceties and asking for lighters and ashtrays), came in handy and I managed to amuse myself silently. Yeah right you scoff - No honestly I kept it shut for 30 mins. Please consult Norris McThwerter on that those who have absolutely bugger all else to do.
Back to it - I have already had complaints these things are too long - I can not help it - there is more to yak on about here than there is in any country where you have to work right now!
Ok, OK, I am back on track.
Safari Trip - excellent talk on flora and fauna (insects if u did not know cause I did not and I am a gardener).
Boat Ride - wicked - went on a speed dinghy - with about 20 people - baptism of water under one of the minor falls and a right old laugh with the driver after. Bikinis and life vests are not a good combo - Just a tip - try and avoid this at all costs - chaffing not v nice.
Sub Tropical walk - fantastic - saw loads of weird animals - lizards, turtles, raccoon thingies, something else I will have to refer my hand book on to recall the name of and loads of beautiful butterflies.
Finally - The falls - Diablo Falls, Argentina, is by far the most amazing thing I have ever seen, well, apart from Brad Pitt in Troy (that is actually a lie as I have not seen that movie - comic effect - permissible?. Hey is it true about Brad and Jen by the way? Kinda loosing touch here as there are NO English written papers etc.
So all in all we had a super duper trooper time and I would recommend the trip to anyone - as many of my traveling buddies have sang before - One of the 7 modern wonders of the world in fact, second highest falls in fact, still smells of pee though!

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