Thursday, January 20, 2005

Would you Adam and Eve it?

I was standing outside a bar in the rain - yes laugh - the actual humorous side of this was I was wearing my beautiful crease free white cotton trousers - for the first time since I packed them on October 15th, which are usually worn with chunky monkey wedge heels and therefore needed turn ups the size of a 2 story house to accommodate my Birkenstocks. Anyway - these have been soaking in the shower for 2 days now and still have inches of black street scum all over the temporary hem - If I ever do wear them again with wedges this scum ring will come up about knee height. Why cann´t I have anything decent? That is a whole new blog.
Back to the point which is what? Oh yeah - sorry I must digress again - the man in the net cafe who takes all your cash in return for a few minutes of electronic communication has just fallen off his chair - in such a manor John Cleese would have been proud of - I am grunting like a pig - apt really as I am wearing pigtails today.
OK - would you Adam and Eve it (American readers this is Cockney rhyming slang for believe)? I was standing in the pouring rain - Not waiting for Jesus or Jane as LLoyd Cole once put it - but waiting for an Irish guy who had befriended us in the cafe and wanted English speaking companions for one night, as his Portuguese was non existent and he had heard me ranting and raving on the telephone and obviously knew a good crack when he heard it! He was called either Frank or Jerry anyway this is not important as he stood us up - Cheek of it! Mind you my parting words to him when arranging a time to meet were ´´You know you have no chance of getting off with either of us!´´, so maybe he had imagined an evening listening to two Yorkshire lasses ranting on while he supplied a constant flow of drinks with no end result if you get my drift.
Right - I am there now - the point of this blog - While waiting for Frank Jerry, Jerry Frank a man asked me if I was Jo? ´´Yes´´ - I timidly replied! - Well he continued with the fact he was a friend of a friend of mine from A´level college and he had been told to look out for a Northerner with big boobs. You can imagine my surprise as they have shrunk and are merely a shadow of their former selves - as you know from previous posts - So this encounter made my day - My bosoms are still ample enough for a complete stranger to recognize me on this ´´pointer´´ alone.

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