Thursday, January 06, 2005

Moving Beaches

After 3 nights in Cocpacobana we are moving to a beach caled Ipanena which is about 3 miles south of our original spot.
When in an Italian place for dinner last night we got talking to a waiter who said his boss had a flat for rent. So Sarah and I have been for a look this evening and it's perfect for us. It's ten quid each a night and has a security guard on the door, plus cameras everywhere.
Not that the place (Hotel Santa Clara is not too bad - but the street to the beach is a bit suspect. You can not carry a bag of any sort. This is very hard for me - I mean there's only so much loose change my bikini bottoms can hold!
My Birkenstocks have been a life saver - but after the blister I got from walking home on NYE I am hurting a wee bit - The sand keeps getting stuck in the huge blister crater I have on my pinkie.
I am speaking American now - My head is full of languages - and I fear when I get back I am gonna have lost my accent. Never I hear you cry - you can take the lass from Yorkshire but you can not take Yorkshire from the lass. Well, believe - No one even the English speakers understand me - so I am having to talk like a demented elocution teacher. My grandma will be pleased!
Still not got any toilet problems - I know that may be a bit too much information - But somepeople are interested in my bathroom habits since i generally don't shut up about them. Anyway the Dr got me all worried and gave me six pills for $36 that means I am in for some serious trouble.
Oh - I have never seen ants as big. Thought you'd be interested in that.
Good bye - I will try and get on line tomorrow - however there is some serious thong wearing to be done, gotta compete with the locals!

1 comment:

Russell CJ Duffy said...

Hey Hey, Panty Pudding. Great to read of my favourite Yorkshire Puddings adventures in the land across the pond. For a guy born in darkest Romford places like Copacabana and Ipanena are not only titles of post Rock 'n Roll music or some such shit from Barry Manilow they are also extreeeemely exotic and romantic sounding. AND NO I AM NOT AT all ENVIOUS SO THERE!!!!(bitch).
You lose yer accent? HAH. Never. More Yorkshire than the frigging mores or dales.
Not wanting to sound like the ageing old fart that I am rapidly becoming, (according to my bastard offspring I personally guided Moses and his erstwhile tribe across the Sinai Desert and even managed to give Alexander the Great the odd tip) but please be careful going down those back streets. Especially if you have an arse that is jangling like Santa's sleigh at Christmas time!!
So glad to hear that your bowels are functioning properly. Keep eating the fruit babe.
And please, no more references to you wearing a thong it is more than my weak heart can stand.
Love 'n stuff.

Cocaine Jesus